Addison Adrianne Forbes Montgomery.

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"OMG Addison?!" a familiar voice bellowed from down the hall. I turned to see Amelia and we hug each other so tightly.
Amelia soon breaks down in tears in Addison arms "I I just I- can't believe he's gone" Amelia sobbed in my lap. we stayed in this position for awhile until I got a page. Meredith was awake. I left Henry with Amelia and went to go see mer.

Addie arrived at Merediths room and Mer put her hand out to Addie. Addie climbed into bed with Meredith and sobbed for hours. They eventually fell asleep in each other's arms.

Suddenly Meredith jolts forward crying, I shush her and rub her back to calm her down, she lays back down on the bed and looks at me with her swollen blue eyes and says "i'm glad you're here Addie". I kiss her forehead and squeeze her tighter.

It's funny because it's not awkward between me and mer it's warm and comfortable regardless of how much time we've spent apart. I didn't realise how much I missed her.
I hear footsteps and a few familiar faces enter the room; Bailey, Alex and mer's kids, Callie, Amy and Henry and Maggie. I'd never met Maggie before but she was Merediths sister so it was okay.

I shush Meredith as she was starting to cry again, "It's okay sweetie, it's okay". Alex brings Mer's sleeping kids in and put them on the sofa in the room and Amy put down Henry with her phone to keep him occupied while us adults spoke.

Meredith was starting to fall asleep again so we all whispered. "How is she?" Richard hushed. "she's exhausted and grieving" I say still rubbing her back. "I missed you" Callie whispered with a massive grin "I missed you too Callie".

Alex walked over to us and stroked Mer's head but shortly after he got a page. "It's okay go" I said "i've got her".

When I saw Addie and her beautiful eyes I broke down into tears but a part of me was thinking about how much hotter she got. She got into the hospital bed with and she shushed me and rubbed my back until I calmed down. My whole body just melted into her warm embrace. I didn't want her to leave.

After a while of peaceful sleep I had a nightmare about Derek and I jolted forward crying again but Addie was there and calmed me down. I look up at her and tell her i'm glad she's here. She kisses my forehead and hugs me tighter.

I heard footsteps approaching but i didn't want to move out of the warm position i was in. At last i open my eyes and see everyone including my sleeping children and burst into tears again. Addison comforts me once again and I start to drift back to sleep.

Mer starts to stir as she wake up and i run my fingers through her hair and say "hey sleepyhead" She looks up at me with her puffy eyes but still has a glint in them. She's so beautiful. I grin at her in awe of this amazing woman who lay in my arms.


"Addie you're looking at me funny" I say as the lustful redhead looks down on me with a huge grin on her face. She apologises and strokes my hair. I love having my hair stroked. "What time is it?" I ask Addison checks her watch "8:39pm" she says.

"Can you page Bailey for me please" I ask innocently. "Of course I can Mer". All of a sudden we hear Bailey "WHATS THE MATTER" she almost shouts as she charges down the corridor. "Nothing Bailey I wanna go home, please discharge me" Bailey looks relieved and agrees.

Mer's getting discharged and as soon as Bailey leaves the room she begins to cry again "what's wrong" I ask her. She replies quietly with " I can't go back to that house without him" Alex already had Zola and Bailey at Mer's old house and Amy had taken Henry there too because it was getting late. "Well i'm staying in a hotel tonight, you wanna stay with me and then i can take you home tomorrow?" I ask the fragile blonde her eyes widened and then she says "Is that okay I don't want to be a pain in the ass". I chuckle and say "you're not a pain in the ass and of course"

I helped the beautiful woman out of bed and helped her get changed into her clothes and called a cab to my hotel. I texted Alex to tell him and everyone that Mer was okay and that she would bring her over to the house tomorrow.

Addie and I got into the cab and went to the hotel. I knew it was going to be an expensive one as Addison is loaded.

I knew I shouldn't have feelings for Addie, my husband just died but there's just something about her than just makes me go crazy. I can't help but stare at her in awe of her entire existence. Of course she caught be staring and chuckled to herself. I felt my face turn red in embarrassment and i quickly look out the window, her hand brushes against mine and I look back up at her to find her now staring at me and she just gives me a wink as if to say "I know i'm hot, you're hot too".

As we enter the hotel room, I remember there's only one bed. "You can take the bed, i'll sleep on the sofa" I say placing my bags down in the corner in the room. "Can u sleep in the bed with me Addie? I haven't slept alone in ages." Mer says to me batting her long eyelashes at me.
"Of course mer". I give her a pair of my pyjamas even though she's much smaller than me and change into some myself and we climb under the covers together and fall fast asleep.

A/N: A slightly longer one here not sure if it's too much but thanks for reading <3

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