In each other's arms🥰

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"I- I love you too" I say and look up to see Meredith smiling down at me "you do?" she asks with a tear rolling down her cheek. "Yes of course I do" She jumps up and down and then ran over to my side of the bed and kissed me. I smile into the kiss and then we both pull away before hearing "ewww". The kids are staring at us with disgusted faces and we can't help but laugh. "Hey that's not very nice" Mer says laughing before leaning down to my ear and whispering "i'm going to show you how much I love you later when all the kids are sleeping" I let out the breath that I didn't even I was holding and nod at her. She walks over to her side of the bed, gets in it, pulls Henry close to her and uses her free hand to stroke Bailey's head.


"Hey children do you want to go shopping at the mall?" I say after what feels like hours of spongebob. I checked the time and it's 11:30 so they should probably eat before that too. I turn to see four very smiling faces nodding at me, I laugh at Addison and stroke her cheek before lifting Henry and Bailey up out of the bed with me carrying them to the kitchen and putting them in their seats at the table. Addison come out behind me and sits Zola down, then kisses her, Bailey and Henry on the head. I look at her and pout because she didn't kiss me, she laughs and kisses me on the head. We make the children breakfast and eat some ourselves, then we all get dressed and drive to the mall.


We get to the mall and all walk together into the stores and buy clothes and some toys for the children. "I have one more store I need to go in before we leave" Mer says squeezing my hand. We all follow her into the store that sells couches and beds. "What are we doing in here?" I look at Meredith confused, she smiles at me "well mr. Henry here needs a bed to sleep in so i'm going to buy one". My heart skips a beat. How did I get this lucky. "I can buy it you don't have too" I say still in awe of how much I am in love with this woman. "Nope i'm buying it, the decision is final" I kiss her on the cheek and thank her. Henry picks out his bed and we pay and drive home.


When we got home, I texted Amelia to see if she was coming over for lunch, she said she wasn't and that she was staying with Owen again. "Okay kids what do you want for lunch?" I say ask I pick up Henry and Zola and put them on the chairs along with Addison who puts Bailey next to them. "Peanut butter sandwiches?" Addison says which makes all three children nod quickly. I make their lunch and Addison puts all of the stuff in the dishwasher. We put the children down for a nap in their beds and put Henry in Amelia's bed because we still haven't put together his bed.


"So all of the kids are down for a nap" I say unbuttoning my jeans which makes Meredith raise her eyebrows. "Yes they are, and if I remember rightly I said I would show you how much I love you" she adds with a wink. "After I want to show you how much I love you too" I take off my jeans and smirk at her. She starts taking off her shirt and I do the same. She stares at me open mouthed as I stand their in a lacy black thong with a matching bra, I walk up to her and whisper into her ear "you like what you see?" before nibbling her earlobe. She pulls me into a kiss and then slides her tongue down my throat. I wrap my arms around her and pull her in closer by her ass which makes her laugh, I bite her bottom lip and then suck on it causing her to moan.


I run my hands through her hair before pulling slightly making her moan into my mouth. I drag her to the bed and throw her onto it before straddling her and leaning down to kiss her neck. She starts unbuttoning my shirt so I rip it off of me, I start to move down her body kissing everywhere, I stop at her boobs which are still covered by her bra. She sits up and I move my hands around her to unhook the clasps. I remove her bra which makes her boobs bounce and then sit perfect on her chest. I take one into my mouth and suck on it before nibbling her nipple, "holy shit Mer that feels so good" I giggle slightly and move to her other great and doing the same thing.

She unhooks my bra and massages them which makes me so wet. I moan and kiss her again, but it was more passionate this time, our lips crashing together and our tongues exploring every inch of each other's mouth and throat. I move my hands down to her panties and slip them off before placing my fingers on her clit and start circling them. She lets out a small moan before connecting her lips to my neck and sucks on it. I move my hand faster until I can feel her legs shake and then release her orgasm on my hand. I slow my hand down to a stop before taking it out of her panties and sucking all her juices off. I then kiss her stomach, neck and then finally her lips.


I kiss her back before flipping us over so she's on the bottom, I kiss her neck and move down to her boobs, planting open mouthed kisses on her nipples making her moan loudly. I kiss her stomach and then her thighs. I remove her panties and secure my mouth to her clit. I suckle and lick her clit which makes her put her hands in my hair and pull. I moan into her clit which sends her over the edge. She orgasmed and I licked up all her juices. "You wanna get in the shower and go again before the kids wake up?" I say with a smirk before hopping off of her and holding my hand out to her. She grabs it eagerly and we both get into the shower and turn it on.

We have mind blowing shower sex before getting out and drying ourselves off and getting into comfy clothes.

We wake up our children and I make them dinner and sit with them while they eat. At this time Meredith puts Henry's bed together in Bailey room and puts a mattress and bed sheets on. After the kids are done eating, we bathe them, clean their teeth and tuck them all into bed. Meredith and I have dinner together and then change into pyjamas. We call Amelia and say goodnight before falling asleep in each other's arms.

A/N: Hey guys! Finally updating for you, what a crazy week, hope you enjoy <3

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