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We're sitting in the play room with the kids just taking in the moment. I check my phone to see what the time is and it's 4:30pm so the kids will be getting hungry. I move over to where Mer is sitting, "what should we do for dinner?" I ask as she places her head on my shoulder. "Mac and cheese? all the kids like that right?" she replies looking up at me. "Yeah, do you have the ingredients to make it or do we need to go to the store?" I look down to meet her eyes. "we probably should go to the store, I have to get other food too" I nod and turn to our beautiful children. "Kids get your shoes on we're going to the store to get food for dinner".


The kids are getting their shoes on when Henry comes running up to me, "can you help me out my shoes on please" he smiles and i chuckle at him "of course, sit down" I put his shoes on and he stands up and thanks me and kisses me on the cheek, "you're welcome and thank you for my kiss". He laughs and runs off to find Zola who had already put her shoes on herself. I look up to see Addison smiling at me whilst putting on Bailey's shoes. "Okay come on kids let's go get food for dinner". We pack all the kids into the car and drive to the store.

When we arrive we put Bailey in the seat of the shopping cart and sit Zola and Henry inside it. We walk in and start getting the food we need, I just really want to hold her hand but I don't want to do it and then have her reject me or feel embarrassed. I am really freaking out omg, I feel like i'm going to pass out my body starts swaying until she puts her hands on my shoulders from behind me and I relax into her. "Are you okay? you look really pale" we're both looking at each other now, I smile and tell her i'm okay she pulls me into a hug and rubs my back. When we finally let go we turn to look at our kids who are staring at us. "Are you dating?" Zola and Henry say in unison.


Meredith looks at me as I look at her and then we both look at our kids, I don't know what to say, no words are coming out. "That is adult stuff don't worry" I finally spit out, Mer nods in agreement and smiles at me. "Okay jeez I was just going to say you would be good together" "Yeah" "I agree". We both spin our heads round to our three kids who are smiling at us. "Really? you wouldn't mind?" Meredith says nervously looking at me and then our children. Our children shake their head and smile at us. Meredith places her hand in mine and squeezes it and then turns to me, "Addison, I know it's really fast but I really like you so will you be my girlfriend?". "Yes of course I will Mer" She squeezes my hand and squeals. "Okay let's finish shopping and go home" Meredith says in a sing-songy voice.


We get home and make our children dinner. We then bathe them and put them to bed. Amelia was at Owen's trailer so Addie and I are spending time together on the couch. She's lying on my lap whilst i'm stroking her hair. "I'm glad you're my girlfriend" I whisper out "and i'm glad you're mine" she whispers back after turning to face me and smiling. I lean down and plant a small kiss on her lips. Before arranging our bodies next to each other and falling asleep in each other's arms on the couch.

A/N: A shorter one this time but I needed to update for you guys! I have such a busy college schedule so bare with me while I adjust :) enjoy <3

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