Suspicions and sickness?

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Tw:mentions of vomit!


"Shit what time is it" wait a minute how did I end up in my bed? I look at the clock next to me, 11:30 am. I get up, get in the shower and wash my hair. Fuck I forgot to bring a towel, I step out of the shower and walk into my room and go over to the closet where I keep my towels, I pick out my favourite one and just as I'm about to put it round me Addison walks in. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry" she whispers and then looks at me up and down and then walks out. I have never seen her face so red before. It was so red it matched her hair. I just laugh to myself and wrap myself in a towel and then get ready properly.


I walked into Meredith's room only to find her naked, "oh my god, I'm so sorry" I whisper and then look at her wet naked body and then walk away quickly. That was so embarrassing, I can feel my cheeks burning red. I walk into the living room where Amelia is still playing with the kids. She looks up at me and asks me if i'm okay. I just keep picturing myself kissing down Meredith's naked body. "Addie?...Addison?...ADDISON?" oh shit  Amelia's talking to me. "mhm what?" I say being snapped out of my fantasy. I look at her and I can tell she's getting suspicious of my behaviour. "I said are you okay?" she stares blankly at me. "Yeah i'm fine sorry, my mind is on another planet" I smile at her reassuringly.


Addison is acting so strange today, I wonder what's up with her. I'm going to go speak to Mer and see if she knows anything. "Hey Addie?" "yeah" she replies sweetly. "I'm gonna go speak to Mer can you watch the kids" hmm that's weird, when I mentioned Meredith her cheeks went red again. "Yeah that's fine Amy". I stood up and walked into Meredith's bedroom, she wasn't in there so I checked the bathroom and found her doing her hair and make up. "Hey Mer, is Addison okay? She's acting weird" she blushed at Addison's name. oh my god. "No I don't know Amelia, I mean she did walk in on me naked when I got out the shower but other than that, I haven't seen her much" Meredith says as if it the most casual thing ever. "WAIT WHAT" I say speaking louder than I intended. "She walked in on you naked? explain" I have never been more confused. "I got out the shower and forgot a towel so I went to my closet to get one and she walked in before I could put it around me, it's not that big of a deal Ames".

Not that big of a deal? Hello? Am I missing something here? "She walked in on you naked, naked Meredith. She's still blushing at the sight of you" I laugh and she does too. "I don't blame her, I'm hot as fuck" she states with a wink. "Hurry up getting ready I want to go for a walk with the kids" I say. "Okay give me two minutes". I walk out of the room and go find Addison and the kids and get them ready.


She's still blushing at the sight of me huh? I'm wearing a very booby outfit, I have a low cut top on with jeans and my heeled boots on. I contour my already very defined boobs, I find it hilarious making Addison turned on. I quickly finish my make up, grabbing a jacket and my purse. I walk out of my bedroom and into the living room where I see Amelia and Addison helping the kids to put their shoes on. I stand there for a minute before I hear Amelia say "wow" everyone in the room turns and looks at me. Zola follows with "my mommy is so beautiful". Addison is just staring at me before she lets out a small "yeah she is" I laugh and Amelia just looks at me and then at Addison. "Okay come on let's go guys".


Oh my god. I am freaking out. I don't know how much longer I can keep my crush a secret much longer. Amelia is watching my every move. I keep looking at Mer and at her boobs. I mean they looked at me first so it's only fair I look at them back. Meredith is looking at me with a cheeky smirk on her face. I can't stop blushing. I am seriously turned on. My stomach starts hurting, I think i'm going to be sick. "Oh my god" is all I can say before running to the bathroom and throwing up in the toilet. Where is this vomit coming from? It just keeps coming.


"Oh my god" I look up at Addison before she runs out of the room. Amelia and I exchange a look, "I'll go you take the kids" I say before walking into the bathroom to find a very delicate Addison still vomiting. I hold her hair back, rub her back and comfort her. The second she finishes vomiting I feel her forehead, she's burning up. "Wow you're really warm, let me get a face towel" I go and get one out of my closet and run it under the cold tap before placing it on her forehead. She collapses into my lap like a child. I have one hand rubbing circles on her back and the other stroking her cheek.


This is so embarrassing, I can't believe I am this vulnerable around Meredith, she's never going to want me now. Why is my face wet? Oh my god i'm crying. "Addie don't cry, It's okay" she pulls me further into her lap like I'm a small child. I compose myself. "Why were you crying darling" she says gently. "I- I just thought you wouldn't want me because you saw me throw up and now i'm just humiliated". She starts laughing. she's laughing at me.

A/N: what do you think Meredith will say to Addison? Thanks for reading <3

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