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I woke up still in Meredith's arms, I could feel her warmth radiating between us. I stare at her and take in her natural beauty, how can someone be so beautiful all the time. I play with her hair until I hear some noise coming from one of the children's bedrooms. I go and check on Henry and Zola and they're still asleep but Bailey was awake. I walk in and he looked upset, "what's wrong Bailey, are you okay". He shakes his head no and starts to cry, I pick him up and begin walking the length of his room holding him and rubbing his back while he cries into my shoulder. "Hey it's okay you're okay, you want to tell me what's wrong?" I say before sitting in his bed with him. I place him down gently and pull the covers up over him. "I miss my dada" He finally chokes out in between sobs. Tears prick my eyes "I miss him too Bailey it's okay" I pick him up and cuddle him whilst we both cry.

I pull myself together and place Bailey back in his bed as he had fallen back to sleep. I tuck him in, check on Zola and Henry who are still sleeping peacefully. I feel tears prick my eyes again and i'm to tired to fight it so I let them fall, I climb back onto the couch with Mer and lay their crying silently into her.


I start to wake up as I feel something wet on my chest, I open my eyes properly and look down. I see the most heartbreaking thing in my life. Addison. She was crying so much she didn't even notice that I had woken up. I sit up and pull her onto my lap and rock her gently until she stops hyperventilating. I keep rubbing circles on her back and stroke her cheek. "I'm sorry this is so pathetic of me" Addison says and stands up off of my lap. "No it's not come here what's wrong" I pull her back onto me and study her face. "I woke up and Bailey was awake so I went to check on him and he was crying so I asked him what was wrong and he said he missed Derek and so I started crying because I miss him too he was my best friend and I just- they won't stop, the tears won't stop"  She says all in one breath, "Oh Addie it's okay babe, you're okay i'm here". She nuzzles her head into my chin and I kiss the top of it and hug her tightly. After a moment of silence I whisper "you're not pathetic Adds, you're grieving and that's okay, but please never feel like you can't come to me when you're upset or anything okay?" I feel her nod against me and I continue comforting her.


"Can we go lie in your bed for a bit it's cosier and i'm still really tired" I say looking up at Meredith. She smiles at me and says yes. We climb into her bed and just hug each other, nothing else matters right now. We fall asleep again, with our legs tangled together dreaming of each other.

When I eventually wake up, Meredith is already awake, she's just staring at me smiling. "Are you watching me sleep now?" I say with a laugh, she laughs too "nope i'm just admiring your beauty" she says before kissing me lightly on the nose. We hear little giggles and both look at the door. Our beautiful three children are staring at us laughing. "Come here kids" Mer says and I pat the bed.


Our lovely children climb in the bed with us, Henry snuggled up to me, Zola snuggled into Addie and Bailey in the middle. I smile down at them before looking up and meeting Addison's eyes. I just want to stay like this forever. I lean and give Addison a kiss before asking the children what they want to watch on tv. They all say spongebob which makes Addison laugh. I put on spongebob and just can't help but admire my beautiful girlfriend and our three children. The way Addison's eyes crinkle slightly when she laughs or smiles, the way her eyebrows raise when she's concentrating make me weak in the knees. I think I love her. No wait. I know that I love her but it's too early right? What if she doesn't feel the same. Oh my god this is bad. What am I going to do. "Mer what's wrong?" I shake myself out of my thoughts, Addison was staring at me and looked very concerned. "Oh n-nothing don't worry" I stutter. I feel her hand on my chin. She turns my face to hers, "no tell me what is it?" I gulp. "I-I love you" she laughs "Oh my god. what have I done I have ruined everything" I go to get out of bed before she grabs my hand.


I grab her hand "Meredith wait, look at me" She looks up at me and I see her eyes filled with tears. One escapes out of her eyes, I wipe it with my hand and smile. "I-"

A/N: Haha a cliffhanger! what do you think Addison is going to say back?
I know it's really fast for Meredith to say she loves Addison but I needed to write something for you guys and I feel like this was the best way to write the chapter. Hope you guys enjoy <3

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