"Are you kidding me?"

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*This is the last chapter, I just want to thank you all for the support!!*


I get a text from Addison saying she's gone home sick and I'm really worried about her. I walk into the attending's lounge to see Amelia and Owen with Ellis, "oh hi why do you have my child?" I ask with a chuckle. "Addie's gone home sick so we have to drive you, and I though it would be easier for me to grab Ellis" Amelia rambles on. "Okay let's go home, I want to see my wife" I encourage everyone to move whilst Owen hands me Ellis. I whisper sweet nothings in her ear as we walk to the car. I strap her into the car seat and Owen starts the car.

I pull out my phone and call Addie. No answer. "That's weird" I say under my breath, "what's weird?" Amelia asks me with her eyebrow raised. "Oh I just called Addie but she didn't answer?" I say in a questioning tone. "Oh she's probably asleep don't worry, we'll be home soon" she replies. "Yeah okay" I say back and look out the window.


I just got a text from Amelia saying they're on their way home. I had our nanny run and get the oldest three from school and keep the children entertained in the play room whilst I hid the dog in the bedroom. Im so excited to see what everyone's reaction is!! After a while of giving the dog lots of love I hear the car pull up in the driveway. "Hey kids wheres mommy?" I hear Meredith say, "Ill go get her" it's Amelia. "Hey Amy look how cute she is" I say once Amelia comes in the room and closes the door. "Oh my god hi puppy" she whispers and I laugh. "Okay you ready?" she asks me.

We walk into the playroom where Meredith, Owen, the nanny and our children are. "Look what I rescued" I say holding the puppy in my arms. "Oh my god" everyone says at the same time. I laugh and sit on the floor, "are you kidding me? you said we shouldn't get a dog" Mer says sitting next to me. Everyone crowds round and pets the dog, "mommy what's her name?" Bailey asks, "I was thinking Lola? How does everyone feel about that?" I ask.

"Lola is perfect. I love you" Mer says, "I love you" I reply and kiss her. "Okay enough kissykissy I wanna hold her" says Zola. We all laugh, "here you go Zozo" I hand her Lola.

We all spent hours playing with Lola and laughing at all the cute little barks she did. "Okay let's order pizza, then bed" Mer says picking up the landline. Once the pizza arrived we said goodnight to the nanny, Amelia and Owen. We got all the children in their pyjamas and made sure they cleaned their teeth. Mer fed Ellis and put her down in her crib, whilst the oldest three said their good nights to Lola.


"Goodnight loves" Addison and I say to the children and then change into pyjamas and clean our teeth. "I still can't believe we have a dog, thank you so much baby" I say to Addison once we've gotten all snuggled up into bed with Lola. "You were right, we needed a dog and shes perfect" She replies. "I love you Addison Montgomery-Grey" I say as I pull her in for a kiss. "I love you Meredith Montgomery-Grey" she kisses me back.

And just like that our family is complete. I never thought I'd be happy after Derek but here I am. In love and so thankful for everything and everyone I have in my life.

A/N: THE ENDDD!!! Thank you guys so much for the support and the love in this story. I know I got sloppy with posting but I hope you guys can forgive me. Im about to have surgery in two weeks so ill try and get a one shot posted before then. But as I will be unable to go to college I will have to do work at home so if I got quiet for a couple weeks that's why! Im studying healthcare in college which has so many assignments :) I love you guys and thank you again <3

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