Falling in love?

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She starts laughing. She's laughing at me, why the fuck is she laughing. "Mer why are you laughing I'm serious" I say laughing a little bit myself. Now we're both laughing. She stops and lifts my chin up so we're looking into each other's eyes.

"Of course I want you Addison, I mean look at you. Holy shit, you're the hottest person on the planet and I love your sense of humor and how your eyebrows rise when you're paying attention and how good you are with my kids. How could I not want you." Oh my god, how is it possible to fall this in love with one person. "You do?" I squeak, "of course silly come here" She pulls me into her lap and kisses my forehead.


Ah I did it. I just confessed my feeling to Addison. We're both hugging each other on the bathroom floor and it just feels so safe. "This is not how I imagined telling you how I really felt about you" she says with a laugh, "I know me either" I reply stroking her head. We sit there in silence for a minute just enjoying each other's company, "my ass is numb" "so is mine" we both laugh and then stand up and climb into my bed.

We lie in each other's arms until we both drift off to sleep, dreaming of our future together.


The kids and I get home from our walk, I fixed them a snack and then put them down for a nap. I put Henry in my bed because it's easier than carrying him to the other side of the house. Zola and Bailey took themselves to bed. I walk into Mer's room to see her and Addison asleep together. I take a quick photo and then wake them up because it's 2:30 in the afternoon. "Hey sleepyheads, get your asses up. It's 2:30 your kids have been fed and are napping". I hear a few muffled groans and then both of them look at me, then each other then me again.


Oh my god it's Amelia. Is she going to be mad?  "Amelia I can explain, we didn't me-" Meredith begins. "No no no it's okay, I don't care what you do it's your lives. I mean sure it's weird that my sisters are fucking each other but I think you two will be good together" Meredith laughs at Amelia's lack of filter, which makes me smile because of how beautiful she is. Finally I bring my attention back to Amelia and ask her if she's sure and she says it's okay. "Anyway, like I said before the kids are napping, Henry's in my bed, they had a snack before they went down. I'm going to go see Owen in the trailer now, have fun you two" she winks at us and then leaves the house.

"Wait Owen has a trailer?" I say looking up at Meredith. "No Derek sold his one to Owen years ago so now Owen lives out in the woods" she replies. "Ohhh right" I say. "You wanna shower with me?" Meredith whispers into my ear. "Definitely". She leans in and kisses me, it starts out really soft and then becomes more passionate. I lift her up on to my lap and then stand up, she wraps her legs around me. I carry her into the bathroom and place her onto the counter.


She places me down on the counter and pulls away from the kiss. She turns on the shower and then starts removing her clothes. I jump off the counter and start removing my clothes too. I look at her with a smirk on my face before licking my lips seductively. I step into the shower and drag her with me. She pulls me in for a kiss and we just stand there with the hot water pouring down on us, our tongues slipping in and out of each other's mouths. I place my lips on the sweet spot on her neck which makes Addison moan. I plant open mouthed kisses down her neck to her collarbone, and when I reach her boobs I take one into my mouth sucking on it and kissing it. The other one I massage in my hand gently but in a way that makes Addison go crazy. I kiss down her stomach, I'm going very slow on purpose. "Jesus Mer just fuck me already" I look up at her and wink before pushing her against the shower wall and spreading her legs. I start to lick her clit, she's already soaking wet. I start moving my tongue faster, I place two fingers into her and start thrusting them in and out. She's moaning out my name telling me to go faster, her hands are in my hair pulling slightly which makes me moan. I pump my fingers in and out, licking and swirling my tongue on her clit. "M-mer I'm I'm close fuck i'm really close" I take my free hand and move it up to her boobs, I massage one gently before squeezing her nipple making her moan again. I remove my mouth from her clit, "let go Addie it's okay" I place my mouth back over her clit, I feel her walls clench around my fingers and then I slow down letting her ride out her orgasm. "Holy shit" she whispers as she comes down from her orgasm. I stand up off my knees and kiss her again, allowing her to taste herself on my lips.


Holy fuck that orgasm was good. I could do that all day. She kisses me again before telling me to turn around. We wash each other's hair and bodies, kissing in between and then getting out of the shower. We aren't going anywhere today so we decided to wear comfy clothes. At this point it's 3:45, we wake up the kids and sit with them in the play room. They get along so well which we are so thankful for. I can't help but stare at her and think about how much I'm falling in love with her.


Watching Addison with my kids makes my heart happy. Every time she talks to Zola and Bailey I fall more and more in love. Our eyes meet and my heart melts. I want to spend the rest of my life with this woman. 

A/N: Hope you enjoyed :)

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