First day back?

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*Time skip:Meredith's going back to work for the first time since Ellis. Addison has been working for a few months*


This is it. I'm going back to work for the first time in like a year. I've been practicing in the skills lab for a few months just to make sure I don't forget how to cut. "Morning babe" Addison says as she nudges me gently, I groan and open my eyes to look at her. "I made you coffee and breakfast" she says smiling at me. I look down at the tray in her hands, it has a mug of freshly made coffee and chocolate chip pancakes with syrup. "Aww you made my favourite" I say smiling up at her. I pull her in for a kiss before tucking into my food. Whilst I'm eating, Addison gets up and dressed whilst Amelia makes sure Zola, Bailey and Henry are ready for school.

After I've finished my breakfast, I get ready for the day. Addison, Amelia and I all get in the car with the children and drop the oldest three to school before driving to work. Ellis is going to be staying in the hospital daycare as she's too young to be in regular school. "How do you feel about being back?" Amelia asks me, "I can't wait, I just don't want to be away from my baby" I say stroking Ellis cheeks as we walk through the hospital hallways. "Crap im getting paged" Amelia says with a sigh, "Ill meet you for lunch" she says before scurrying off quickly.


"So are you excited?" I say to Meredith with a smile, "yeah it's been way too long!" she replies cheerfully. "Okay let's get this baby dropped of shall we" I coo sweetly at our daughter, "yes come on" Meredith says whilst I wrap my hand around her waist as we walk to the daycare. As soon as we dropped of Ellis, I felt my pager viberate. "Okay I have to go babe, I'll see you soon" I say leaning down and pecking her on the lips, "later babe" Meredith replies sweetly.

I made my way down to the ER, and had to rush my patient to the OR for an emergency C- section. Unfortunately, during the procedure the mom didn't make it but the baby did, I walk out of the OR and sigh before making my way to the waiting room to inform the family. After I had told the family, I showed them to the NICU so they could meet the baby. I left the maternity wing of the hospital and decided to go and see Ellis in the nursery to cheer myself up. "Hey you" I say as I bump into Meredith on my way through the door, "hey what are you doing here?" she asks as she takes my hand in hers. "I lost a mother and needed cheering up so I decided to come and see our daughter" I say slightly squeezing her hand. She smiles at me before kissing my cheek, "come on let's go see our baby".


Addison and I walked hand in hand through the halls after seeing Ellis, "do you have any surgeries scheduled?" I ask turning to face her. "No unless a baby decides it wants to come early" she replies with a chuckle. I smile at her, "you wanna go for a nap before lunch?" I ask gently, "yeah come on" she says before kissing my forehead. We walk into an on call room that WAS NOT free, but thankfully the next one we went into was not occupied. We both climb into bed together and pull the covers up and get comfortable. "Night baby" I whisper to her, "night love" she whispers back.


After I came out of surgery, it was lunchtime and Im absolutely starving. I walk up to a nurses station, "hey have you seen both Dr. Montgomery-Grey's?" I ask one of the nurses. "I saw them going into that on call room" she replies pointing. "Thank you" I say with a smile before walking into the on call room. "Hey wake up" I shout, "oh my god Amelia what?" Addison says as we both sit up with sleepy looks on our faces. "It's lunch time and Im hungry come on" she says, I laugh "okay fine we're coming" I reply.

When we get to the Cafeteria, we get our food and talk about surgeries and the children. "I'm getting a page" I say as I hear the familiar noise, "Ill see you two later" I add on before kissing Addison on the lips and Amelia on the head. I run down to the ER and go to trauma room 2, "okay what've we got" I say walking in as I put my gown on. "Female, in her 30s, pain over McBurney's point, suspected appendicitis" one of the interns reply. "Okay I need to do an ultrasound and can someone book an OR" I shout. I do the ultrasound, "okay we need to get to the OR stat and can someone page the other Dr. Montgomery-Grey to meet me in there".

When we get up to the OR floor I scrub in and begin the procedure when Addison walks in. "You paged me?" she says holding her mask on, "yeah i've got to do an appy, who's getting the kids from school?" I ask her. "I'll grab Amy and we'll both go, i'll drop them home and then come back and get you, okay?" she questions, "yeah okay but leave Ellis here because the daycare is still open" I say smiling and looking up at her, "okay i'll see you later I love you" she adds blowing a kiss, "I love you" I reply as she walks out the door.

I finish my appy and get my patient settled into post op care so I can make sure everything okay before I can go home. After I ran a few tests, I called Addison to come get me before getting changed and heading up to the day care to grab Ellis. "Hey Im here to pick up Ellis" I say to the lady at the door, "of course Dr. Montgomery-Grey go right on through" she replies with a smile. I nod at her before going over to the baby part of the day care and picking her up. "Hey Ellie Belle, let's go find your mama" I pick up her changing bag and walk down to the front of the hospital and find Addison.


"Hey baby, hey Ellie Belle" I say as I hug my wife and kiss my daughters head, "let's go home shall we" I say taking the changing bag out of Meredith's hand and walk them to the car, before driving them home. "Hey guys were home" I say as we walk through the house, "I made dinner!!" Amelia shouts back. Meredith sits down on the couch, "I'll go lay her down for a nap" I say picking her up. Amelia sits all the other children down at the table and serves them dinner and then plates up the adults food and bring it to us on the couch. "Thank you Ames" Meredith and I say in unison which causes us both to laugh. We eat our dinner and talk about work before loading the dishwasher and bathing the children.

"Hey baby, Ellis is hungry" I say bringing her into the boys bathroom where Meredith had just started drawing up a bath for Bailey and Henry. "Okay can you do this for me please?" she asks as she struggles to get off the floor, "yes of course" I chuckle as I help her to her feet. "Don't laugh im getting old" she says now laughing herself, "you're still younger then me" I add before planting a long deep kiss to her lips and then handing Ellis to her.

I finish drawing up the bath for the boys, "Henry! Bailey! the baths ready" I call out into the front room before knocking on Zola's door to see how she's getting along. "Hey Zo do you need any help?" I call through the door, "No thanks mama I got it" she replies politely, "okay darling let me know if you need anything" I add before walking away.


I finish feeding and burping Ellis before putting her to bed. "Hey boys can I come in?" I ask knocking on their door, "not yet we're just getting changed" Henry calls out to me. "Okay we'll come get me after so I can give you a kiss goodnight" I shout back. I walk into mine and Addison's bedroom to find her half asleep on the bed, "are you kidding me right now" I say laughing, "what? i'm tired" she laughs back. I walk over to the bed and straddle her, "I'm tired too sweetheart" I whisper before kissing her lips firmly and passionately. After a few seconds we hear muffled giggles and noises of disgust, we pull away and look at the door way. Amelia and the children are standing in the door frame staring at us, Amelia's laughing (of course) and the children all have disgusted looks on their faces.

I stand up off of Addison before helping her to her feet, "okay come on you three it's time for bed" Addison says clearly embarrassed. All three of us adults kiss the children to bed before saying goodnight to one another and getting into pyjamas and climbing into our own beds.


"So how was your first day back?" I question Meredith as I pull her closer to me, "it was good, I missed surgery so it was good to be back" she says sleepily. "Okay let's go to sleep, goodnight Merbear" I whisper, "goodnight Addie" she whispers back. We give each other a quick peck on the lips before moving our bodies to fit comfortably together and finally falling asleep.

A/N: Hey Im back!! I honestly hate this chapter and I haven't really proofread it either but I needed to post something for you. Please check the conversations part on my profile because I'm always looking to make new friends and take any criticism and/or advice for how I can make this better for you guys and for ideas. Im only going to write two more chapters for this story and that will be it and i'll be focusing solely on my one shots. I hope you guys enjoy this <33

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