Ultasounds and Announcements🥰

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It's been a week since I found out I was pregnant, and Addison has been amazing. She makes sure i'm okay and she's coming with me to my OB appointment this afternoon just to make sure everything's going okay. "Hey you okay" Addison asks me as she's driving us to the hospital. "I'm just nervous, before we adopted Zola I was told my uterus was hostile and then I was having all these fertility drugs that made my eyesight go and then I got pregnant, had a miscarriage and then when I was having Bailey there was a storm and I had a c-section in the dark and almost bled out. I don't have a good track record when it comes to having babies". I spit out, Addison pulls over the car. "Meredith it's going to be fine, I don't have a good track record either but everything is going to be okay".

I pull her in for a kiss, "I don't know what i'd do without you babe, thank you for everything I really appreciate it" I say tearing up a little, "I'm here every step of the way no matter what, you're stuck with me forever Meredith Grey" we both chuckle. She kisses my lips gently again before starting the car and driving us to the hospital.


"Hello Dr Deluca" I say as we walk into the exam room. "Ciao doctors" she replies sweetly, "Dr Grey please can you remove your clothes from the waist down and get in the stirrups please" Mer nods and Carina leaves to give her some privacy. "It's going to be okay Mer don't worry" I kiss her forehead.
Carina comes in and does the ultrasound and says everything looks perfect, Meredith releases the breath she had been holding, I take her hand and squeeze it. We say goodbye to Carina and as soon as she leaves Meredith starts crying. I put her clothes on her and take her home. Before we left the hospital, I asked Amelia if she could take the kids out so Mer and I could spend some time together.

When we got home, we got into bed and cuddled together. I knew Meredith was trying not to cry, "Mer sweetie it's okay you can cry, I'm here I promise I'm not leaving" I whisper to her. She breaks down in my arms and I rub her back until she falls asleep. I fell asleep shortly after, I feel so guilty because I can't do more to help her.


When I woke up Addison was asleep so I snuck out of bed and made some lunch. I put it on a tray and went to go wake up Addison. "Hey sleepyhead wake up" I say gently, making sure I don't scare her. She wakes up and kisses me, we eat our sandwiches and I turn to Addison. "What do you want to do now?" I question her with a raised eyebrow. "hmm we can have mind blowing sex and then get in the shower and have more sex" she replies with a smirk. I nod and lift the tray of food off the bed and straddle her. I kiss her lips softly but get more passionate, I move my mouth to her neck and suckle gently, I suck on the sweet spot behind her ear make her moan loudly. "Yes baby I love it when you make those loud noises for me" I whisper seductively i'm her ear before nibbling her earlobe and then sucking on it.

I kiss down her neck to her collarbone, I then remove her shirt and bra, I take one of her boobs into my mouth and swirl my tongue around her nipple, her moans fill the air which just encourages me to further. "Please Meredith please just fuck me" she pants out, I nod and move downwards on her body, kissing her stomach and then her thighs. I remove her pants and panties, and plant open mouthed kisses on her inner thighs. I attach my mouth to her clit, suckling and nibbling gently, I lick long strokes on her glistening pussy. "Oh fuck yes Mer that feels good" she moans out, I slip three fingers into her which makes her hips buck into them. I swirl my tongue faster and thrust my fingers in and out at a quickened pace. I detach my mouth from her clit and place it on her nipple, making circles on it with my tongue. I feel her insides clench, "ohhh" she moans as she cums. I slow my hand before removing it, I take my fingers into my mouth and suck all her cum off before kissing her. She moans out when she tastes herself on my tongue.


"My turn" I whisper in her ear, I lift her up off the bed and kiss her passionately. I walk into the bathroom and place her on the counter, she removes her shirt and bra whilst I turn on the shower. I take one of her boobs into my mouth, my teeth graze her nipples gently and she arches her back and moans loudly. "Good girl" I whisper in her ear, she jumps off the counter top and removes her pants and panties and then we get into the shower.

I kiss down her stomach until I reach her already drenched pussy, I place my mouth over her clit "oooo Addison" she moans, I start moving my tongue and add two fingers to her entrance. I move my fingers and my mouth at a fast pace until her legs shake and she comes. I kiss her gently and hold her until she can stand properly by herself.

Once she had recovered, we washed each other's hair and and got out of the shower. We both got changed into comfy clothes and made dinner. Amelia arrived home with the children and we all had a meal together. We put the kids to bed and sat down on the couch with Amelia. "Should we tell her?" Mer whispers to me, "If you want too" I whisper back and kiss her temple.


"Amelia we have something to tell you" Meredith says, I look at her concerned and they both smile at me. "You guys are scaring me" I say worried, "we're having a baby" Addison says. They both have massive grins on their face, "OH MY GOD I'm going to be an aunt again?" I exclaim. They nod at me and I pull them both into a hug, I kiss Meredith's belly. "Hey i'm your aunt Amelia" I say and Addison strokes my hair. After a while of speaking I say goodnight and go to bed. 


"Aww Amelia's reaction was so cute" I say when we're lying in bed, "yeah she's the best with the kids, I'm so happy" Meredith says, looking up at me with a smile beaming on her face. I press my lips to hers softly, "I love you Meredith Grey" I say wrapping her in a hug, "I love you too Addison Montgomery".


And with that they were asleep.

A/N: Hey guys!! I hope you enjoy this chapter :) Im struggling to think of what to write next so if you have any ideas then please let me know. Also don't forget to check out the book of one shots on my profile, I'm going to be writing at least two a week. Thanks for reading <3

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