Nap time 😴

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I woke up to Bailey crying in his bed. I checked the time it was 3:56am, I waited a minute before going in hoping he would stop. He didn't. I walked into his room to find Addison holding Bailey and rubbing his back until he stopped crying. I stood in the doorway with a massive smile across my face. I am falling in love with this woman. I can't help but giggle to myself as I walk into the room further. Bailey had fallen asleep in Addie's arms, she lays him back into his bed and take me by the hand and drags me onto the couch. She presses her lips onto mine and straddles me. I pull out of the kiss and look deep into her beautiful eyes. "Addie?" I smile at her letting her know that I wasn't going to freak out on her.


"Yes mer" I say smiling back at her. "I want to be with you, I want to take you out to dinner and hold your hand in public and kiss you good luck before surgery at work an-and make dinner with you for our kids and go on evening walks together" she says all in one breath. I look down at her and laugh before kissing her on the lips again "I want that too mer, I want it all and only with you let's just take things slow okay?"


I look away from Addison because I don't want her to see me tearing up. She lifts my chin up so we're looking at each other again "It's okay, we're going to be okay I promise" she whispers and then plants a small kiss on my forehead. I look at the clock and see its 4:22 am. "Let's get some more sleep before the kids wake up, I'll come tuck you in" I say gesturing to her to stand up off of my lap. She pulls me into a quick hug, I didn't want her to let go but I could tell she was tired. She got into bed and I tucked her under the covers before kissing her forehead and going back to bed on the couch.


I finally fell asleep thinking of Meredith and how happy she makes me. When I woke up Henry was no longer in bed with me. I check the time quickly 6:57 am. I walk into the kitchen to see Meredith serving the kids breakfast she gets me a mug from the cupboard and asks how i like my coffee and then hands me the mug, I take a sip "perfect thank you" I say and she smiles and winks at me. I go an sit on the couch still watching her every move. She gets out an extra two mugs before filling them and then shouting "Amelia Owen coffee" I look at her confused and she whispers "just wait" in my ear before sitting next to me. We both watch Amelia's bedroom door open and her and Owen walk out with messy hair and drink their coffee before thanking Meredith and going back to bed.


After Amelia shut her bedroom door Addison turns to me and says "how did you know he was in there?" I explained to her that Amelia sneaks him in when everyone's asleep. We both just laugh before catching each other's gaze but we were interrupted by Zola asking for a drink. "What do you want to drink Zozo?" Addison asks jumping off the couch and picking Zola up."Milk please" Addison looks up at me, I nod to let her know it's okay and they go get Zola's milk before returning to the couch next to me. Zola was drinking her milk very happily in Addison's lap before Henry and Bailey start asking for milk. I get up and fill two beakers full of milk and pull both of the boys onto my lap whilst they drink their milk. Henry starts getting sleepy so I hold him close to me and rock him until he's asleep. I continue to rub circles on his back with my hand and he starts letting out little snores. Soon Zola falls asleep in Addison's arms and Bailey lay in between us asleep too. Me and Addison make eye contact and just sit there in the company of our kids and just enjoy the quiet. I reach my spare hand out and rub her cheek and then move my hand to her hair and fiddle with it. She looks like she's going to fall asleep too so I stand up gently with Henry and put him into my bed, then I pick up Zola off of Addison and place her in her bed then returning and getting Bailey and putting him in his bed. I sat down on the couch with Addison and put a pillow on my lap and pat it, signally her to put her head there. Once she laid down I handed her a blanket before stroking her forehead and sending her back to sleep.


I fell asleep on Meredith's lap and all I could dream about was us growing old together with our kids.
When I woke up I was still asleep on Meredith's lap, she had fallen asleep too but didn't look very comfortable. I stood up of the couch and went to the bathroom before going to Mer's bedroom to get changed and freshen up. When I was done I woke up Henry because it was now 9:30 am and I knew if the kids slept any longer they wouldn't sleep tonight. Then I woke Zola and Bailey, I told the kids we had to be quiet because Mer was still asleep. We went into the front room and I told the kids to wait here whilst I carried Mer to bed. I picked her up from the couch and carried her bridal style. She was so light. I placed her down gently in the bed before tucking her in and kissing her head. I went back into the living room and made the kids a snack before we played with their toys together.

Amelia comes out of her room and says goodbye to Owen and then goes and gets some cereal before asking where Meredith was. I told her she was still asleep. She finished her cereal and came and sat with me and the kids.

A/N: Another long one! Sorry for not posting in a while let me know what you think.

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