Date night 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩

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After I got into my outfit I did some light make up and let my hair down, I did some loose curls in it and applied some lipgloss. Now I just have to wait for Addison.


I did some light make up and brushed out my hair. I didn't really have to do anything with it because it was naturally curly. I grabbed my bag and went to go get Meredith.


"Wow" I turn around and that's when I see her. She looks beautiful, I stare at her open mouthed for a second. "Wow yourself, you look so beautiful Addie" I add with a smile. "You do too Merbear, are you ready to go" I chuckle at her nickname for me before getting my clutch bag and taking her hand. We get into the car after saying goodbye to our kids, I drive us to the Italian restaurant. When we get there, we order some wine and we both order lasagna and a side salad. We spent our time reminiscing over my intern years as we ate. We got some gelato for desert and I decided to have a little bit of fun.


We're eating our gelato and suddenly Meredith's leg keeps moving higher and higher up my leg. I shift in my seat because i'm starting to get wet, "Mer what are you doing" I ask her. She smirks and shrugs her shoulders. She keeps going until I can't take it anymore. I call the waiter over and pay before Mer can say anything. On the drive home, I place my hand on Meredith's thigh whilst I'm driving. I move my hand very slowly up and down. When we get home Amelia leaves to go to Owen's and the children are already asleep. "Strip and get in the shower" I command, I'm not usually the top but she's been teasing me all night. She nods and does what she's told.

I get in the shower with her, "you've been teasing me all night, so naughty" I whisper in her ear before biting it gently. She moans and then kisses my mouth roughly. "God you're hot" I moan into her mouth, I kiss down her body very slowly earning groans and whimpers from her. I know she wants me to go faster but this is her punishment. I get to her throbbing centre and take it into my mouth, I swirl my tongue around her clit. Moans fill the air, I edge her closer and closer, I place two fingers into her. Moving them in and out at a quickened pace. "Oh shit Addie i'm close" she moans out, within seconds she's releasing her orgasm on my fingers.


My orgasm hits me like a ton of bricks, I ride it out by grinding on Addison's fingers. "Ohhh" I moan as she hits my g-spot again, but Addison doesn't stop there. She keeps thrusting her fingers in and out of me, she's circling my nipples with her tongue and rubbing circles on my clit with her thumb. I orgasm twice more before she removes her hand, I collapse into her arms. "Holy fuck Addison, I can't feel my legs" I say, she laughs and turns off the shower, wraps us both in towels and then places me into bed. She climbs into bed next to me.


"Thank you Adds" she says as I wrap my arms around her, "I love you Meredith" I say before kissing her head. "I love you too sweetheart" she whispers back.

We fall asleep, tangles in each other's naked bodies. There's no one else we would rather fall asleep like this with.

A/N: Hey!! This is a slightly shorter chapter but I hope you will enjoy it regardless. I'm starting a book of Merdison one shots and I already have a chapter out and plan on writing another one very soon :) I hope you guys will enjoy it. Have a lovely day/ night 🥰

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