"Our family is now complete" <3

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I am so glad that I'm back at work and my life is somewhat back on track. The children are going to school and of course Ellis is still young so she's at the hospital daycare. And Addison, Amelia and I are perfect. We have a perfect relationship but I just feel like something is missing. I've been thinking about getting a pet for the children for ages, they love animals and it would be really good for them. There's just one problem, I have to convince Addison. This is not going to be easy.

We woke up late this morning so we all had to rush and get ready, Amelia drove to work with Owen so it's just me and Addison in the car. "Hey Addie?" I ask, "what's up Mer?" she asks still facing the road, she's driving us to work today. okay here we go. "I've been thinking and I think maybe we should get the children a pet" I say with a shrug. She turns to look at me, "absolutely not. We work too much, it would be unfair". I sigh and turn and face out the window. She carries on driving but moves one of her hands to rest on my thigh. I hum at the contact and smile, "we're here babe" she says parking the car. We both get out and take Ellis out of her seat. "Come here" Addison say to me, I walk towards her with Ellis in my arms.

"I know you want to get the children a pet, it's just not a good time right now". She pulls me in for a hug and places a kiss to my forehead. "Okay yeah you're right, we do work too much". I say and smile sadly. She takes my hand in hers and we walk together to the daycare to drop off Ellis.


When we get to the daycare, we drop of Ellis and walk together to the attending's lounge where we put our stuff away. We both get changed into scrubs and we sit down and pour a cup of coffee and talk to each other about dinners and sleepovers when I get a page. "Oh shit okay I have to go I'll see you later" I say as I stand up, I kiss her and then run to the OB wing. I go to the nurses station " I got a 911 page?" I say breathlessly, "yes doctor she's complaining of pain here's her chart" she replies handing the chart to me. "Okay thanks" I look over the chart and go to the patient. In the end, I had to do an emergency C-section as the baby was having late decels and went into distress.

After I got out of surgery, I updated the patient and her family and took the baby to see his mother. I did some charts quickly before I got a text from Meredith. "Meet me in the cafeteria for lunch <3" I smile at my phone and hand my charts back to the nurse before making my way down to the cafeteria. "Hey you" I say as I sit down next to Meredith, we give each other a quick kiss before eating our lunch and catching up on the latest gossip. "Okay I have to go I have a surgery, i'll see you later. I love you" Meredith says standing up, "Okay baby, I love you".

Meredith is right, we should get an animal. It would be really good for the children and we can get a dog sitter for when no one's home. I went to the attending's lounge and called the animal shelter to ask if they had any dogs looking for a home. They did. Perfect. Now I just have to go to the shelter and adopt it but somehow keep it a secret from Meredith. Amelia can help me. I paged Amelia 911 to the attending's lounge so we can come up with a plan.


I was down in the ER finishing up a consult when Addison paged me 911 to the attending's lounge. I made my way there as fast as I could. "What happened? What's wrong?" I almost shout breathlessly as I run in the room. "Nothing wrong, I need your help adopting a dog and hiding it from Meredith and the children" she replies. "Are you kidding me Addison that's so cute of course i'll help" I say excitedly. Addison and I spent the next hour thinking of how to do it in secret. "Okay i'll distract her with something, probably Owen related and then you can go pick up the dog" I say trying to wrap my head around the whole thing, "yes okay perfect, i'm going to leave now. Thank youuu" she says running out of the room. I chuckle to myself for a minute before waiting outside of Meredith's OR door so I can distract her.


I quickly get changed out of my scrubs and get in the car, I drive to the pet store to grab everything we'll need for a dog. I then drive to the shelter and pick up the dog. And oh my god. I am so in love with this dog. Our family is now complete. I take her home and let her get settled into the house and get used to her new surroundings. "Hello sweetheart, you're home now" I say stroking her head gently, she licks my hand and then settles down on the floor next to my feet. I text Meredith and tell her I went home sick so she'll have to get Ellis and Owen will have to drive her home. Owen has a car seat in his car already as him and Amelia are always babysitting for us. Now we just have to wait and see her reaction.

A/N: Hey!! I am so sorry it's been so long since I updated for you guys :( I was super busy with college and now I have covid and felt so crap but i'm feeling better so of course I had to update for you guys :)) I kinda hate this chapter but the next chapter is the last and will be Meredith, Amelia and the children's reaction to the dog! I hope you enjoyed <3

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