Ellis Alexandra Mongomery-Grey ✨

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Addison and I have been married for about 5 months, I'm nearly 9 months pregnant now and my stomach is massive. Addison and I were sleeping peacefully in bed when everything changed. I felt a pain in my stomach, "ouch what the" I say sitting up in bed. The pain lasted nearly a minute, "Addie" I whisper nudging her. "What's wrong babe" she says sleepily whilst sitting up. "I don't know I ju- ow" I get cut off by the same pain, then I feel it. "My waters just broke" I say to my very concerned wife, she turns the lamp on and pulls back the bed sheets, I was right. Addison gets out of bed and gets my hospital bag that we packed.


"AMELIA" I shout, Amelia comes running in the room. "Her waters broke, I need you to watch the kids" I say getting Meredith out of bed. "Addison when we get to the hospital I want drugs, there's no way i'm doing this without drugs ahhh" she says panting as another contraction hits her. "You can have all the drugs you want babe, I just need you to get in the car" I say hugging her from behind. I get her into the car and call Bailey. "Bailey it's Addison, Mer's in labour I need you to page Carina and have drugs ready for her" I say before hanging up, "not long now babe" I whisper to Meredith and kiss her as we get to a red light.

                    𝙰𝚝 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚑𝚘𝚜𝚙𝚒𝚝𝚊𝚕


"Ahhhh Addie" I whine as she wheels me to the OB wing. "I can't wait for my drugs" I say squeezing my eyes shut as my contraction stops. I get settled into the OB bed and finally get the pain meds i'd been waiting for. "Heyyyy Carinaaaaa" I say, my head feels like it's floating in the clouds. "Aha hello, i'm here to examine you. Is that okay?" Carina asks putting gloves on. "Well normally i'd only let my wife see my vagina but because i'm having a baby, I don't think she'd mind" I say without even thinking about it. Carina just laughed and Addison just facepalmed. "Okay Dr Grey, you're good to start pushing" Carina says sitting on the stool.

After three pushes, lots of screaming and Addison's hand left with no sensation in it. Their daughter was born.

"Okay mama, you want to cut the cord?" Carina asks Addison. "Yes please" Addison says with tears strolling down her cheeks. snip. "Okay mamas, you have a beautiful healthy baby girl" Carina says placing their daughter on Meredith's chest. "Hey baby" Meredith whispers to her daughter, "you did so good babe, i'm so proud of you" Addison says kissing her wife's cheek. "I'm just going to clean you up Grey and then i'll let you two spend time with your beautiful bambina" Carina says before delivering the placenta and making sure Meredith is okay.


"You have any ideas for her name" I ask Meredith as I climb in bed with her. "I do, we don't have to call her this. Just let me know what you think" she says skeptically. I nod at her to reassure her, "Ellis Alexandra Montgomery-Grey" she exhales and lifts her head to look at me. "You wanna name her after Lexie?" I ask looking down at her worried face. "Yeah. Is that okay?" her voice breaks a little bit, I pull her in for a kiss. "Yes absolutely, I love that name" I smile at her.

"Let's get some sleep" I say cuddling into her side, "okay babe, I can't wait to tell the kids" she replies, her voice full of excitement. I smile at her, "me too babe". And with that we were asleep, legs intertwined with one another.


After I woke up from my nap, I called Amelia and asked her to bring the kids to the hospital to meet their new sister and she agreed. "Hey kids you have to be quiet" I say to them as they walk in the room. Addison had woken up not long ago and I had fed Ellis and burped her. "She's just been fed so she's a little sleepy" Addison says in a hushed tone. "Auntie Amelia wants a cuddle", I hand her to Amelia. "Do we have a name?" Amelia asks, "Ellis Alexandra Montgomery-Grey" Addison says with a massive smile on her face. Amelia's face softens, "you named her after Lexie" she says with a big smile. "Yeah and we all know you'll be her favourite" Meredith adds with a laugh. Addison props Zola up on the bed and places the baby in her arms.

All the kids have massive smiles on their faces, Addison kisses my temple, "I love you baby" she whispers to me. "I love you more Adds" I whisper back, followed with a kiss on her cheek. We both take a minute to look at Amelia and our children. "This is perfect, you're perfect" I say looking into Addison's eyes, "you are perfect" she replies and places a kiss on my lips.

I look at my family. They are all I need. My family is perfect.

A/N: Hey!! sorry I'm only just updating but it's the only time i've been able to write. I post more regularly to my one shots so go and check them out on my profile :) I designed the picture at the top and it's my first time so let me know what you think!! Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoy.

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