Alone time ;)

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Meredith and Addison clearly haven't had sex in a while, they're both so frustrated so me being the best sister in law ever, I'm going to take all the kids out for a few hours. Ellis is still only a baby so I'm going to have to make sure Meredith pumps so I can feed her whilst we're out. I grab the pumping machine from the kitchen and walk into their bedroom. "Wake up sleepyheads" I say throwing open their curtains, muffled groans fill the air. "Amelia what the hell" Addison says, "I am doing you two a massive favour, Mer put this on your boob"I say handing her the pump. "Why?" she asks, attaching it to herself. "Well me being the best sister in the world, i'm going to take your kids so you can have sex, and trust me you need it because Addie is all grouchy" I say pointing at her. Addison frowns and Meredith joins me laughing.


I finish pumping and hand Amelia the the machine and the bottles of milk I collected. "Okay mamas say goodbye to your kids" Amelia says in the door frame. "Bye babies" Addison and I say as we both hug our children, "okay we'll see you later, have fun" Amelia says wiggling her eyebrows before leaving with the children. "You want to go back to bed?" Addison asks me as she wraps her arms around me from behind. "Yeah I just need a bit more sleep and then you, Mrs Montgomery-Grey, you will be all mine". I whisper the last part and wink at her, she blushes profusely and takes my hand and walks us back to the bed. We slide into the bed next to each other and situate our bodies next to each other so we are comfortable. "I love you Merbear" she whispers to me and kisses my forehead, "I love you Addie" I whisper back as I pull her closer to me.

After a while of sleeping, I woke up and Addison was still asleep. I play with her hair and stroke her face. She looks so peaceful when she's asleep, I love this woman with every fibre of my body. I start to reflect on our past together, how we met and our history with Derek and I laugh to myself for a while because I never would've imagined that i'd be here. "Hmm" Addison hums as she opens her eyes and looks at me confused, "why are you laughing?" she asks chuckling herself. "I was just thinking about my intern year and how I never would've imagined that I'd be here in bed with you, living with Amelia and having 4 children" I say laughing again. "Yeah I never would've imagined that I'd be here either but I'm glad I am" she says back to me, "me too baby" I say and pull her on top of me.


She pulls me on top of her and I pull her in for a kiss, she moans in my mouth and I use this to my advantage and slip my tongue inside her mouth. Our tongues dance in sync with each other, my core clenches, begging for any kind of release. I start to remove her clothes and she removes mine, I grind my center on hers. "Oh fuck" she moans, I pull her back in for a kiss as our bodies move together as one. "Shit i'm close. are you close?" I spit out as I feel that familiar sensation in stomach. "Fuck yes" she whispers to me. Within seconds we're both cumming on each other, screaming each other's names.

"Fuck I missed that" I say breathlessly as I move off of her and lie down next to her on the bed, "me too babe" she says kissing my temple. We lied in bed together for a few minutes just enjoying each other's bodies until I felt her hand sneak down my body and graze across my clit, my hips buck involuntarily and I let out a throaty moan. "Fuck you're hot" she whispers to me before circling her fingers around my sensitive clit. Moans escape my lips before I can even realise how close I was. "MER" I scream as I cum the hardest I ever have. She slows her fingers down and removes them and places them in her mouth. "You're really sexy when you cum by the way" she says admiring my body.


"Why don't we get in the shower hmm?" Addison asks me, "yeah that's a good idea" I say helping her up out of the bed. I grab two towels as she turns on the shower. She drags me in the shower and a small moan escapes my lips as the hot water makes its way down my body. Addison lifts my chin up so i'm staring her in the eyes, they flicker from my eyes to my lips and then back to my eyes again. "Kiss me baby" I whisper to her, she encases my lips with hers, suckling on my bottom lip as she squeezes my ass. I squeal a bit in shock of this move, she chuckles a bit before bringing one of her thighs up to my core. I grind myself into her thigh, she pulls my hair roughly. "Ah shit Addie" I moan as she moves her thigh in time with my hips. I cum hard, seeing stars as I continue to move my body on hers, milking every ounce of pleasure. She removes her thigh and hugs me to support my body as I come down from my orgasm.

"Wow" I chuckle as I finally come back to my senses, she pulls away and kisses me softly, "turn around let me wash your hair" she says and I comply. She lathers the shampoo into my scalp, little moans and sighs escape my lips as she runs her fingers through my scalp and washes the shampoo out. She adds the conditioner to my ends and leaves it to nourish the ends. "Your turn" I say as I spin her around and lather the shampoo in to my hands, I massage her scalp, gently. Enjoying every little noise her mouth makes as I make her feel good. I rinse out the shampoo and add the conditioner. I spin her around to face me and place two kisses on her cheeks.

After a minute of exchanging lustfully stares, we rinse out the shampoo in each other hair and get out of the shower. We both brush each other's hair and get into clean pyjamas. We order some pizza our house and just as it arrives, so does Amelia and our babies.

"Did you guys have fun?" Amelia says wiggling her eyebrows as she walks through the door and hands me Ellis. "Yes thank you Ames" Addison says and rolls her eyes. "Okay guys let's eat" I say laughing. We all tuck into pizza and spend the rest of the day laughing at jokes and spending time with each other.

Life has been hard after losing Derek, but at this moment in time. Everything is going to be okay.

A/N: HEYYY!! So I finally updated (thank you for being patient) I finally broke up for the christmas holiday so I had to post for you today :) Ill be writing a chapter for my one shots this weekend so look out for that. I hope you enjoyed <3

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