Mommy and Mama?

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When I wake up I turn over and see that Addison is still sleeping. We've been dating for almost a month now and she makes me feel so young and happy. I start playing with her hair which makes her shuffle closer to me. I pull her body on top of mine and rub circles on her back. She goes back to sleep so I check my phone to see the time, it's only 5:45 am so the children won't be up for a few more hours. I close my eyes and cuddle with my girlfriend.


I woke up on top of Meredith, I vaguely remember her pulling me on her, I look at my phone and see it's 8:50 am, I kiss the top of her head and slide off of her body. I go to the bathroom and then go and check on the kids. Zola was awake playing with her toys, "Hey Zo are you hungry?" I say stroking her cheek, "yeah can we have some pancakes?" I nod and hold her hand whilst we walk to the kitchen, I sat her on the chair and gave her some milk while I get the stuff ready for the pancakes.

I make pancakes, bacon and eggs and chopped some fruit up. I placed it all on the table with maple syrup and told Zola to go and wake up the boys. Once the boys were awake we start eating breakfast, letting Meredith sleep in.


I woke up alone and checked the time, 9:20. I went to the bathroom and then walked into the kitchen where I found Addison and our children eating breakfast together. I walk up behind her and put my arms around her waist. "Good morning my love" she whispers in my ear after spinning me around and hugging me, "Morning, thank you for making breakfast" I say kissing her temple. She pulls me into her lap and feeds me pancakes and coffee.

"Okay children you are all sticky from the syrup let's get you guys in the bath" I say giggling. I pick up Henry and tickle him, I run a bath and plop him inside it. I turn on Zola's shower and she gets in. "I'll watch her go sort out Bailey" Addison says as she walks into Zola's bathroom, I kiss her and thank her before getting Bailey and putting him in the same bath as Henry. I wash their hair and then wrap them in a towel and pick both of them up at the same time. I helped them get into their clothes. Us three go and sit in the living room on the couch and snuggle together while we wait for Addison to be done with Zola. After a while I tell Bailey to go and see if they're going to be done soon.


I get Zola out of the shower and wrap her in a towel, we walk into her bedroom and pick out her clothes. She gets changed and then asks me to braid her hair. Whilst i'm braiding her hair, Bailey walks in and before he can say anything Zola starts talking. She asks me if she's going to have two moms, "do you want to have two moms?" I ask treading carefully, "yeah as long as you promise not to make my mommy sad, after daddy died she cried for a long time but you make her really happy" "Yeah I agree" Bailey adds in I finish braiding Zola's hair and hug them both "thank you that means a lot to me, I'm glad you guys like me and I will never hurt your mom okay?" she nods "what do we call you? because Sofia has two moms and she calls one mommy and the other mama" I giggle and say "you guys can call me what you want I don't mind" they nod and I take their hands and walk into the living room. I see Meredith playing with Henry and his toys and I can't help but smile.


Henry and I were playing with his toys when he looks up at me "are you okay Henry?" "are you going to be my mom?" I blink and pause for a minute "If you want me too, I don't have to be. I already know you have a mom and I would never try to replace her". He nods and carries on playing.  After a while, I look up to see Addison smiling at me with Zola and Bailey's hands in hers. "Come and sit down" I pat the ground next to me and she sits next to me and kisses my temple, I kiss her back. "What should we do today?" She asks me, I pause and think, "we could go for a walk? or go out to lunch at a restaurant with our children? I don't mind as long as it's with you four then I'm okay". "Let's go to lunch" She helps me up and we get our shoes and coats on. "Mama can you help me with my shoes please" Addison and I look up and then at each other and back to Bailey who is standing in front of Addison with his shoes in his hands, I smile and tears prick my eyes. "Of course I can Bailey come here" she picks him up and puts his shoes on. She looks at me with tears in her eyes, I pull her into a hug and kiss her gently.


"Bailey just called me mama" I whisper in her ear as she hugs me, I feel her nod against me before she pulls away and kisses me. We're both still crying of joy when Amelia comes home. "Why are you crying?" Meredith and I laugh and go to explain when Zola says "Bailey called Addison mama and now mom and mama are crying" Amelia blinks and looks at us with a grin. Henry notices we're still crying and walks up to me and Meredith, he wipes my tears and kisses my cheek before he turns to Meredith "it's okay mama" he wipes her tears, but she carries on crying because he called her mama too. Amelia looks at us with tears in her eyes, and I can't help but smile at how perfect our family is.

We finally stop crying and go out for a walk with Amelia, we have dinner and put our children to bed. Meredith and I get ready for bed and snuggle down together. "I can't believe they called me mama, i'm so lucky to have you guys" I say rubbing her back. "I'm so lucky to have you two. I love you Addison and I love Henry" she says playing with my hair. "I love you too". We drift off to sleep tangled up in each other's arms.

A/N: So I did a time skip of like a week, hope you guys enjoyed :)

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