Walks in the park☀️🌴

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A/N: I decided to change the babies name to Ellis because I keep getting confused 😂I hope you guys don't mind.


Meredith gave birth to our beautiful daughter a week ago, we have all had to adjust to having a baby around. The other children have been great, they do as they're told which is so helpful. "Hey baby, can I get you anything" I say giving Meredith a kiss on the cheek as I sit down next to her on the couch, "no thanks babe, just sit here with me please" she says. Amelia took the other children out for the day with Owen so we could relax a bit. Meredith puts Ellis in the crib in her room before sitting back down next to me and placing the baby monitor on the table. I pull her onto my lap and rock her, "get some sleep darling" I whisper to her. She pulls me in for a quick kiss before resting her head in the crook of my neck and falling asleep.

After a while of just sitting on the couch with Meredith asleep in my arms, I decided to carry her to our bed so she would be more comfortable. I tuck her in under the covers and go to walk out of the room when I hear her whisper something. "Stay Addie, please don't leave me". My heart broke inside my chest, I slid in the bed next to her. "I'm not leaving baby I promise" I whisper to her whilst she nuzzles into me. She fell back to sleep not long after, I stayed awake rubbing circles into her back.


When I finally woke up after my nap, it was because Ellis needed feeding. "Sorry baby, I didn't want to wake you but she's hungry" Addison says gently, "It's okay Adds, give her here" I say smiling. She places Ellis into my arms and I lift up my t-shirt and sports bra to feed her. Addison gets me a glass of water and sits on the bed next to me, she plays with my hair until Ellis is finished feeding and needs burping. "Ill take her, you can drink your water" she replies, taking Ellis from my arms and burps her. "Why don't we go for a walk in the park?" I ask after downing my entire glass of water. "Yeah that sounds good, go get ready and then ill give u the baby whilst I get ready" she smiles at me.


"Okay I'm ready" I say coming out of the bedroom, Meredith places Ellis into the pram, "let's go" she says grabbing my hand. When we get to the park, we grab a coffee from a little café and sit on a bench. "I love you so much Addison" Meredith says cuddling into my side, "I love you more darling" I say caressing her cheek. We sat in the park and talked for a bit before heading back home. "Why don't we go see who's at the hospital?" Meredith asks, "Meredith you're on maternity leave you shouldn't be thinking about the hospital" I say laughing. She pouts at me, I kiss the pout of her lips "fine we can go to the hospital but not for long" I say grabbing my car keys and the car seat for the baby.

When we get to the hospital we see Richard, "hey aren't you supposed to be on maternity leave?" he asks Mer chuckling. "Okay i'm a workaholic, I miss my job" she says and sighs very over dramatically. I laugh at her and so does Richard, "okay ladies i'll see you soon" he says before walking off. We walk round the hospital, visiting all our friends along the way. "Okay let's go home now, Amelia's going to drop the others off soon" I say placing my hand on Meredith's back. We get in the car and drive home peacefully.


When I brought the kids home, Meredith and Addison weren't home so we all decided to make dinner for them. "Okay kids what are we making  your mommies for dinner?" I ask them putting on an apron and tying my hair back. "Mac and cheese"  all three of them reply at the same time, "okay you guys have to help me though" I say laughing. We made the mac and cheese and put it in the oven before cleaning up, the oven dinged that the food was ready just as Mer and Addie came home with Ellis. "We made dinner" I say taking it out of the oven. We all sit down and enjoy our mac and cheese, when Ellis starts crying. "I have to go feed her" Meredith says before taking the baby into the bedroom.

After she put Ellis down for bed, we finish eating before sitting on the couch and watching a movie. Henry and Bailey fell asleep and Zola was about to fall asleep sitting up, "I'll put the kids to bed, you two go shower and get into bed" I say to them before picking up Henry.


Thankfully Amelia put the kids to bed, I'm so tired but I need a shower. "Are you getting in the shower with me love?" I ask Addison as we walk into our bedroom, "yeah is that okay?" she asks. I nod before grabbing two towels and turning the shower on. We're both too tired for sex so we just wash each other's hair before getting out the shower and drying off. We both put on panties and oversized t-shirts before getting into bed. "I love you Addie" I say kissing her lips, "I love you Mer" she replies before we both fall asleep.

A/N: sorry this chapter isn't very exciting, tbh I don't know what else to write so I might just finish the book at 25 chapters. If you have my ideas for how to end it or for the next chapter then please let me know!! It's very appreciated <3

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