Will you marry me?

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Meredith and I have been dating for around 4 months she's been back to work and I started working at Grey-Sloan with her. "Amelia I think i'm going to ask her to marry me" I say as I sit next to her in the attendings lounge, "really that's great!" she replies with a huge grin on her face "you think so?" I ask her she nods and then gets paged for a consult.


I'm going to propose to Addison at some point I just have to get a ring. "Amelia I need you to watch the kids tomorrow night, i'm taking Addie to dinner and I'm going to propose" I say confidently, she stares at me blankly for a second. "Tha-that's great Mer, I have to go" she stammers and runs out of the room. Why is she acting like that. She's being so weird.

Once my shift ended, I found Addison "hey are you finished?" I asked her, "not yet my love I still have charts to do so i'll be home later" good I can go to the jewellery store. "Okay, Amelia is picking the kids up from school so i'll meet her at home, i'll see you later" I say pecking her cheek. "Okay I love you" she says, "I love you too" I say and drive to the jewellery store. I picked out the most perfect ring and drove home.


When Meredith asked me if my shift was finished, I lied and I feel really bad but it's the only way I knew I could go and buy the ring without her finding out. I headed to a jewellery store and picked out a gorgeous ring, I headed home to see my children and Meredith. "Hey kids let's get you to bed", I say lifting up Zola who was getting sleepy. "Hey Zo, can I ask you a question?" I say tucking her into bed. She nods, "can I ask your mom to marry me?" I whisper, her eyes light up. "YES YES YES" she squeals and jumps into my arms, I pull her into a hug and kiss her head. After talking for a minute, I tucked her into bed and left the room.

"I'm just going to say goodnight to the boys" I say kissing Meredith's cheek. "Hey boys can I ask you something?" they just stared at me, allowing me to ask them. "I wanted to ask you guys if I can propose to Meredith" I ask shyly, "of course you can mama" Bailey says snuggling down into his bed, I kiss his forehead and move to sit on Henry's bed. "Is that okay with you little man" I say, "of course it is mom, you're happy", I stroke his cheek and place a kiss on it gently before leaving the room.


"Hey Adds why don't we go out to dinner tomorrow night? We can spend some time just us" I say as we cuddle down into each other in bed. "Yeah of course babe, that sounds perfect. You can pick where to go" she says. "Okay baby let's go to sleep, I love you" I say. "I love you too" she replies.

                     𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝚗𝚎𝚡𝚝 𝚍𝚊𝚢


I got ready for dinner and tucked the ring into my clutch bag. "You ready to go babe" Meredith shouts, "yeah give me one second" I reply, I apply some lipstick and went and got in the car. "You look beautiful" Meredith says as she gets into the car next to me, "so do you babe" we kiss each other and then drive to the restaurant. We're eating our food and having an amazing evening together when all of a sudden Meredith gets down on one knee, "Meredith what are you doing" I say laughing slightly. "Addison I love you, Zola, Bailey, Henry and this little one in my tummy, and I want a lifetime with you and only you. Will you marry me?". My eyes meet hers, she looks scared, "let me answer that with this" I say getting on my own knee and pulling out my ring I brought for her. "Will you marry me?" I say, "Yes yes yes" she shouts, "I'll marry you too" we pull each other into a long passionate kiss and everyone around us is cheering and clapping for us. We slip each other's rings onto each other's fingers and sit back at our table.


"Wait when did you buy that ring?" I said puzzled as we ate our desert. "Yesterday when did you buy yours?" I laugh, "yesterday, I guess great minds think alike" I say taking her hand into mine. "Yeah I guess they do" she says stroking the back of my hand. "Let's go home to our kids" I say and pay for the food. The drive home was silent, we both sat with massive grins on our faces and just enjoyed each other's company. "Guess who got engaged" I shout as we walk through the door, Addison and I both lift up our hands to show off our beautiful rings, Addison kissed my cheek. Our children and Amelia ran over to congratulate us and admire our rings. This right here is all I need. These people are my family and I will love them until the day I die.


After we put our children to bed and said goodnight to Amelia, Meredith and I climbed into bed. "I love you, you know that" I say squeezing Meredith's arm. "I love you too sweetheart" she says facing me. I rest my hand on her cheek and we stare into each other's eyes. "Oh my god" Meredith says, "what's wrong? are you okay?" I say panicked. She smiles and gives me her hand, "feel this" she lowers my hand to her stomach and I feel the baby kicking. "You're all I need" I say to her, she gives me a confused look. "You, Amelia and our four children is all I need, I will love you guys until my dying breath" I say looking directly into her eyes so she knows I mean it. "Me too Adds" she says, we continue to talk for a bit before we kiss each other goodnight and go to sleep, dreaming of what our lives will look like together.

A/N: Hey lovelies :) I'm so sorry that i'm just updating this now, I'm ill at the moment so I haven't really been up to writing but I promised I'd get a chapter done for you guys. I haven't proof read this tbh so if there's anything that doesn't make sense, just comment it and i'll change it. I hope you enjoy <3

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