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~𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚌𝚘𝚗𝚝𝚊𝚒𝚗𝚜 𝚜𝚖𝚞𝚝~


I want to kiss her again. I lean in a little bit closer and place my lips on hers, our lips both started to move in a rhythm together, she pushed me back on the sofa and straddled me her hands run through my hair and I just stare into her beautiful blue eyes and say "damn you got hotter grey" whilst admiring her perfectly petite body that's on mine. She smiles at me and says "you're not too bad yourself montgomery". We both take in the moment, just being here with her makes my heart happy, like watching fireworks in the dark night sky.

I'm straddling her as i'm kissing her lips and her neck, she's letting out small moans whilst I make small nibbles on her earlobes. I kiss down her neck, then remove her t-shirt leaving her in just her bra and pants, I continue kissing down her stomach, she's got her hands tangled in my hair. I unbutton her pants and ask her "can I touch you?" she chuckles and says "yes please" it almost comes out as a moan. I place my hand on her clit and start rubbing slowly, her hands grab my breasts and slightly squeeze, this drives me crazy, I moan as she bites my bottom lip. "Faster Mer oh my god please faster" Addison says half moaning as she grinds her hips into my fingers. "Patience Addie, be patient" I say giggling, "and keep your voice down before Amy hears us" I start to circle my fingers a bit faster before sliding my other hand down and placing one finger inside her, finding her g-spot very quickly. I start to pump my finger in and out slowly before adding two more into the mix causing Addison to gasp. I shh her before I start to pump my fingers in and out of her faster and harder, I look up at her and she's biting her hand so hard she does make any noise. I feel her tighten around my fingers and then release, I take my fingers out of her very slowly, letting her ride out her orgasm before putting them in my mouth and sucking them dry of her cum and I slowly stop rubbing her clit in circles. I can feel her legs shaking underneath me.


"That was the best orgasm i've ever had" I whisper into Meredith's ear, she smiles and kisses me cheek before saying "you bet your ass it was". My stomach feels like there's a family of butterflies inside it. I think i'm falling for her.
"Come on let's get you to bed" she says jumping off my lap and helping me to my feet, my legs are still shaking and my core is so tender. I pull her in for another kiss and she moves her thigh up my leg and presses it ever so gently up against my core. I wince and the feeling and she laughs at me before pulling away taking my hand and walking me to the bedroom.

"I'm just gonna get my pyjamas and get changed and then i'll leave u to shower if you want" she says with a big grin on her face. "Okay" I say before sitting on the bed where my sleeping son lies. I look down at him, in awe of how lucky I am to have him. In the corner of my eye I see a t-shirt drop to the floor, I look up to see Meredith stripping in front of me. I stare at her for a moment before she starts walking closer to me. She bends down a whispers "you like what you see hmm?" I was so speechless I just nodded frantically. "You know, I think I might get in the shower. Wanna join me?" she says in a hushed tone and then nibbles my earlobe. "Yes oh my god yes" I squeal and then laugh. "It's your turn to be pleasured" I say before taking off my pants and underwear, I never put my t-shirt back on after earlier. She leads me into the en-suite, I lock the door, spin her around unhook her bra and unbutton her jeans. She opens the shower door and turns on the shower before completely stripping herself. We have the best shower sex ever.

We soap each other's bodies up and just hold each other close before making out again. We wash each other's hair with her devine lavender shampoo and conditioner. We get out the shower and change into pyjamas and kiss again. "Goodnight Montgomery" she says looking deep into my eyes before winking and leaving the bathroom and going to sleep on the couch. I climb into bed with my son. And soon drift off to sleep, dreaming of Meredith Grey.

A/N: Will Meredith fall for Addison?

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