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As Iopened my eyes I was confused at first on where I was and who's legs and arms I was tangled up in. Then it hit me. Addison. I could smell her wonderful brown sugar scented perfume and instantly felt safe. Nothing else mattered to me right now except from the wonderful woman who was cuddled up with me.

"Addie?" I said accidentally making her jump. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you" running my fingers through her red curly hair.

"No it's okay mer. did you sleep okay?" she said groggily.

"Yeah I did thanks to you" I say obviously flirting making Addie blush slightly.


She was flirting with me on purpose I thought to myself. But my thinking was cut short when Mer leaned in a whispered "Yeah I am" in my ear, the hot air of her breath made me let out a small moan by accident. My hand covered my mouth in shock and Meredith just laughed and raised an eyebrow at me.

Had I said she was flirting with me out loud? I couldn't have could I? 

My phone went off, it was Amelia, she said Henry was asking for me and hadn't slept well. I sighed and replied to her message and told her that i'd be there's ASAP.

"Addie what's wrong" mer said anxiously. "Oh it was just Amy she said Henry was asking where I was". She looked at me sympathetically and said "Come on let's go get our kids" She put her hand out and I took it and giggled as I felt her soft hands in my own.


On the drive to my old place Addie and I talked about her time in LA and she told me all about the practice and Naomi and Sam, Cooper Charlotte and the kids and Violet and Lucas.
Her eyes lit up as she spoke about them, like the sky when the clouds finally clear after it's been raining.

"You must really miss them, I feel bad taking you away from your friends, your life there" I said apologetically.  She stroked my arm causing it to tingle and said "No mer, I want to be here with you".


"No mer, I want to be here with you" I said to her causing her eyes to light up. She's so incredibly beautiful i thought to myself. I stayed in my bubble of thoughts about Meredith until I felt the car stop. I look up to see we're already at Meredith's house, we both get out of the car and walk through the front door to see our kids playing together, we look at each other at the same time and just think about how lucky we are.

"Henry, Zozo, Bailey, your mommy's are here" Amelia says with a smile. Meredith and I both mouth a 'thank you' to her for looking after them. Meredith and I are soon bombarded by our lovely kids, we're both kneeling on the ground hugging our kids, enjoying our moment when little Bailey said "where's dada". Meredith let's out a sob.


Addie and I are both hugging our kids and I missed my kids so much they're everything I need and more. But then Bailey looks at me and says "where's dada?"I let out a sob and tell Zola and Bailey to sit and that we need to talk.
"Where's daddy is he at home?" Zola says "Zola baby, daddy was driving in his car and got in an accident" I look up at Addie and Amy we were all crying. "Is he okay" Bailey asks I can see the pain in his eyes. My heart breaks as my kids are looking at me waiting for me to tell them that their daddy's okay. "No daddy's not okay" I say "but you can fix him right mommy? you fix everyone" Zola says crying "no I can't fix because no one can fix him Zola because daddy died" Everyone was crying now. I motioned to Addie, Henry and Amy to join us three in a group hug.


My heart is so broke for Mer, the kids and Amy and well myself too. Although Derek and I never really became friends again after the divorce, a part of my heart would always love him we were married for over a decade.

"Mommy i'm tired" Henry said rubbing his eyes and lying on me. "Let's go to my house, you and Henry can sleep in my room and Amy in hers" Mer said sniffing slightly. "You don't have to do that Mer" I said rubbing her arm. "No Addie it's okay i'll sleep on the sofa you're my guest" Mer said smiling. "we're gonna have to get a cab to the hospital because my cars there and then i'll drive us" I nodded in agreement and then Mer called a cab.

We got to the hospital loaded all of us in to Meredith 7 seater car and drove to her house. Her house is so beautiful just like her I thought to myself. I can't be falling for Meredith Grey can I?


"Addie?" "Addie?" It was like she was on a different planet I chuckled. "Montgomery?" I said sternly. "Huh?" she asked confused. "Are you okay you seemed like you were on a different planet?" I ask raising an eyebrow in concern "Yes I'm fine I was just thinking that's all, let's go inside" I nodded and got out the car and opened the car door to find my two beautiful children asleep along with Henry. "Amy can you carry in Bailey and I take Zo?" "yeah of course mer" she said eagerly. We tucked the kids into their beds and Addie, Amy and I sat in the sofa all huddled together. "I'm exhausted and I have work tomorrow so i'm going to go to bed" Amy said and then yawned. Me and Addie both said "Goodnight sleep well" in unison and laughed at each other. "God get a room you two jeez you're acting like a married couple" Amy says jokingly before closing her bedroom door. Addie and I just sat staring at each other, we both lean in so we're just inches away from each other. I can feel her breath on my face. I lean in closer and place a small kiss on her soft lips. I pull away and stare into Addie's eyes and all I can think about is how much I wanted to do it again.


We're both staring at each other lustfully, she leans closer and places a kiss on my lips. Her lips taste sweet like strawberries and her hair has the strongest scent of lavender in it. She pulls away and we continue to stare into each other's eyes. I had never had so many butterflies in my stomach. I want to kiss her again. I lean in a little bit closer..

A/N: left this on a cliffhanger :) hope you enjoyed. let me know what you think in the comments. thank you

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