"What's wrong sweetheart?"🥺

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When I woke up, I felt this wave of nausea hit me like a truck. I kept hoping it would go away but it didn't. I leaped off the bed, and threw up in the toilet. "ugh oh my god" I say as I sit next to the toilet. "Babe what's wrong" Addison says walking into the bathroom. Before I can answer, I threw up again. Addison sits next to me and rubs my back. I collapse into her arms weakly. "I feel terrible" I groan out. She plays with my hair, kisses my temple and rocks me in her lap.


"It's okay, you're okay I'm here" I whisper to her over and over. I can feel her body trembling in my lap. After a while, I lift her up bridle style and carry her into bed. "I'm going to get you some water" I say and kiss her head. I filled up a glass of water and she drank it happily, I left her to nap whilst I woke up the children and fed them breakfast. A little while later Meredith woke up feeling fine so we snuggled on the sofa with the kids.

                  𝚃𝚒𝚖𝚎 𝚜𝚔𝚒𝚙 𝚘𝚏 𝚊 𝚠𝚎𝚎𝚔


I have been sick every single day this week, every single morning without fail. I think i'm pregnant but I don't want Addison to leave me if she finds out I'm pregnant with Derek's baby. We are sitting in the kitchen watching our children play together, I feel tears prick my eyes. I walk out of the kitchen without saying a word and climb into the empty bath tub. The tears start to fall, I cover my mouth to silence my sobs but I was unsuccessful. "What's wrong sweetheart" she says climbing in the bathtub behind me and strokes my arms. I turn around and look her in the eyes, "I'm scared" I spit out, she looks at me confused, "I'm scared because I-I think I'm p-pregnant and I don't want you to leave me" I sob harder whilst Addison just stares at me.


I stare at her for a minute before replying. "Let's do a test to make sure, I'll drive to the store quickly are you okay to watch the kids" I say squeezing her arm reassuringly. "Y-you're not mad?" I chuckle at her, "of course not" I pull her in for a hug and kiss her salty lips. "I'm going to the store i'll be back soon, I love you" I say lifting her out of the bath tub. "I love you too Addie thank you". I drive to the store and pick up 3 different brands of tests. I get home put the kids down for a nap. "Are you ready?" I ask her as she pees into the cup. She washes her hands and I place the tests in her pee, before removing them and placing the caps on and turning them upside down.

"I'll set a timer" Meredith says, I pull her into my lap, "Mer I promise no matter what happens I'm going to be here, I'm not leaving" I whisper into her ear.


I don't think I could fall more in love with Addison then I am right now. "I love you so much Addison, I can't thank you enough for what you've done for me" I kiss her and then the timer goes off. "It's now or never" I say picking up the test. Positive. "Oh my god" I say, I look at Addison who is smiling at me "we're having a baby!" she kisses me. "You would want to have this baby with me?" I ask her quietly. "Of course I would Meredith Grey, I love you and your children no matter what". I smile and kiss her again. "We're having a baby" She picks me up and spins me around the bathroom gently. We laugh together and then climb into our bed.


"We should book an appointment with OB soon" I say stroking her hair. "Yeah i'll call Carina later" she says smiling at me. "I feel like the luckiest woman on the planet right now" I say looking deep into her baby blue eyes, "me too Adds" she smiles at me. "I should ask Richard for a job here" I say kissing her cheek, "yeah I should probably think about going back to work soon" she replies. "We can sort that out tomorrow, right now I want to spend time with you and our children" I giggle as I see three figures standing at the door frame. "Come here kids" Meredith says. They climb into bed between us and we watch spongebob.

I hear my phone buzz so I pick it up, it's a text from Addison. 'I love you so much babe we are going to be okay' I read in my head. I look up to see her smiling at me I smile back and stroke her cheek.


My phone viberates, it's Meredith. 'I love you too darling and I'm glad you're here with me'. I kiss her hand and we both snuggle closer to our children.


They spend the rest of the day cuddled into bed with their children before making spaghetti, bathing their kids and putting them to bed. They snuggle down into their own bed, legs intertwined with one another, "good night Adds" "good night Merbear" is whispered into the darkness.

A/N: Hey!! I was unsure if I was even going to write Meredith's pregnancy with Ellis into this story but here we are :) Let me know what you think <3

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