Caught in the act 📸

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When I woke up I could feel Meredith drawing circles on my back, she was humming quietly to herself. I move my head off her chest and kiss her lips, she pulls me onto her body, wraps her arms around my neck and her legs around my waist. I giggle into the crook of her neck "what's funny?" she asks with a chuckle. "I would never have pictured Meredith Grey to be a snuggle bug" I laugh with her and the she drops all emotion in her face, "well I would never have picture you being such a bottom but here we are" she laughs. Before I can say 'but you're the one on the bottom' she flips over in one swift movement. We both laugh, "I'm not a bottom" she adds then winks and then starts kissing down my neck. I get goosebumps the second her mouth touches my body.


I kiss down her neck, giggling when I see her goosebumps and then down her collarbone. I lift her shirt off after receiving an approving nod, I kiss her chest and then each nipple, she moans and arches her back slightly. I smirk and her before sucking on her breasts. Her breath is becoming more rapid, "Mer p-please more, I need more" she replies. I kiss down her stomach and then reach her panties. I lick little strokes along the top of them before pulling them down with my teeth. I kiss up her legs before planting open mouthed kisses on her inner thigh. She's whimpering now "please Meredith just fuck me already" I laugh before placing my mouth to her clit.

I start circling my tongue slowly on her clit, I reach my hand up to play with her nipples. She moans which makes me happy that I'm making her feel pleasured. I take my mouth away and use my fingers to circle her throbbing clit. I kiss her boobs whilst speeding up my fingers. "Oh shit Mer i'm close" I take my hand away and kiss her passionately, she frowns at the loss of contact. I stand up and grab a viberator from one of my draws. I turn it on and circle it on her nipples, she shudders and I move it down her stomach until i reach her very wet center. I plunge the toy into her making her moan loudly, she grips the bedsheets and moans loudly.

I move the viberating toy in and out of her at a fast pace, I hit her g-spot making her arch her back. Her legs start to shake as she squirts her orgasm everywhere. I turn the viberator down to the lowest setting and slow my movements. Allowing her to ride out her orgasm slowly before removing the toy completely. "Holy shit, I can't feel my legs" she laughs and kisses me. "When you can feel your legs let's have a shower" I kiss her temple and I can feel her nod against me. We lie there together without a care in the world. She makes small circles with her fingers on my tummy which kind of turns me on but it doesn't matter.


I continue to make small circles on her body with my fingers, I know this is driving her insane because I can feel her squirming next to me. I start to lower my hand to the lining of her panties, I slip them off her legs before removing her oversized shirt that she was wearing. "I still can't feel my legs properly, sit on my face" I say with a smirk, she laughs and does as she's told. I kiss her thighs and lick long strokes up and down her folds making her tense up. I kiss her clit and hear her moan, I start licking her faster and faster. She rides my face as I do this because she likes it so much. I laugh which viberates her clit, "oh my god Addison faster" I move my tongue faster and faster. Her legs start to shake and then she comes. I clean her up and then help her off of my face with my hands around her waist.

"Thank you I love you so much Adds" she whispers, "I love you too Merbear" she giggles and then we get up and into the shower. We soap each other up and then clean each other's hair. "I'm hungry, are you hungry?" I ask her as we're getting dressed, she wraps her arms around my waist "yeah babe i'm hungry, let's get some food".


Addison and Meredith have been screwing each other senseless for the past half an hour. I had to keep the kids occupied with the tv, and turn it up really loud so they couldn't hear anything. I wouldn't want to traumatise them or anything. When they finally leave the bedroom they walk into the kitchen to get breakfast. "You guys have to learn to be quieter" I whisper shout at them. Meredith points at Addison "shes the loud one", we both laugh and Addison slaps Meredith's arm playfully.


"We weren't that loud Amelia" I say with a laugh, I slip my hand in the back of Addison's jean pocket and squeeze her ass gently with a smirk on my face. She gasps and then goes bright red "Mer's right Amy, don't overreact" she adds on and rolls her eyes. I lean closer to her "the only time you can ever roll your eyes is when my head is in between your legs, giving you mind blowing head okay?" I whisper in her ear. She choke on her water that she was drinking, I smirk playfully and Amelia just rolls her eyes at us and laughs.

"Amelia can you watch the kids tonight please" I ask politely "yeah of course". Addison turns to me confused, I wink at her and then walk into the play room. Addison follows me in and sits on my lap, "we're going on a date tonight, at this new Italian restaurant and we have to be there at 7pm" I say and kiss her temple."Omg yay i'm so excited thank you babe, I can't wait!!" she adds giggling after and claps her hands.

A/N: Hey :) I finally posted this chapter, I've been sick at the moment so that's why it took me so long. I can't wait for Addison to come back next week!! The next chapter will be their date, thanks for reading <3

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