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Quick AN: I'm well aware this timeline is really fast but I'm running out of ideas and If you guys want me to continue writing this story then let me know.


Meredith and I decided to get married before she got super pregnant, and todays the day. I'm sitting in Amelia's bedroom, with my makeup done, hair styled to perfection and wearing my white dress. I'm all ready to walk down the aisle, I can't wait to marry her, she's the love of my life. My maid of honour is Amelia and my bridesmaids are Charlotte, Violet and Naomi. I had them fly in from LA because I missed them and I wanted to see them. I also had my brother, Archer fly in from God knows where to walk me down the aisle.


I can't believe we're getting married today, I get to marry the love of my life. My maid of honour is Cristina, she flew in from Switzerland for my big day. And my bridesmaids are Jo, Arizona and Callie. Callie and Arizona finally got back together after the plane crash and the affair, they belong together. Jo is one of my closest friends, I'm trying to get her more interested in General than Peds. Richard's walking me down the aisle, because I have no dad but that's okay. My hair is styled, makeups done and my dress is on, let's go and get married!! 

                    𝙰𝚝 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚌𝚎𝚛𝚎𝚖𝚘𝚗𝚢

Addison's bridesmaids and maid of honour walk down the aisle and then she and Archer follow. Addison hands her flowers to Naomi, Archer kisses her cheek and sits down. Meredith bridesmaids and maid of honour walk down the aisle next, Meredith and Richard follow soon after. Meredith grins as she sees her soon to be wife waiting for her, Addison smiles in return. When Meredith and and Richard reach Addison, Richard kissed both of their cheeks before taking his seat, Meredith hands her flowers to Cristina and then turns to Addison.

The priest starts the ceremony, Addison begins "I Addison Adrianne Forbes Montgomery, take thee Meredith Ellis Grey to be my wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health for as long as we both shall live" she says trying not to cry. Meredith follows "I Meredith Ellis Grey, take thee Addison Adrianne Forbes Montgomery to be my wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health for as long as we both shall live". Everyone is crying now, the priest continues "I now pronounce you wife and wife, you may kiss the brides" he finishes. Meredith and Addison seal the ceremony with a kiss, "I love you" the whisper in each other's ears.

𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝚊𝚏𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚙𝚊𝚛𝚝𝚢

Meredith and Addison have a slow dance together before they do a father daughter dance, Addison dances with Archer and Meredith dances with Richard. They welcome everyone onto the dance floor and they all dance together. "I love you Addison Adrianne Forbes Montgomery-Grey" Meredith whispers to her wife as their seated at the dinner table for their dinner. "I love you too Meredith Ellis Montgomery-Grey" They pull each other in for a deep kiss, they all have dinner together and chat about their children.

Amelia orders Meredith and Addison a limo, which drives them to a hotel for the night. When they get to the hotel room, the find an envelope on their bed. Addison reads it aloud "I know you said you weren't going to go on a honeymoon, but I booked you both a flight to LA for 5 nights, there's already a hotel booked there and I packed you two suitcases their in the bathroom, have lots of sex and fun Love Amelia" Meredith starts laughing and so does Addison. "I love Amelia's bluntness" Meredith says, "mhm me too, how about we stop talking about Amelia and start having some dirty hot wedding sex?" Addison questions seductively.

They start to take off each other's dresses, they begin to kiss each other roughly, "let's get in the shower" Meredith says. They turn on the shower and get in, they make out for a while before Meredith lowers her hand to Addison's throbbing core. She traces it lightly, "Meredith please just fuck me" Addison moans out. "Gladly wifey" Meredith replies with a wink, within seconds, Addison is pinned against the wall of the shower and Meredith is thrusting her fingers in and out of her. "Fuckkk Meredith" Addison screams as she cums, Meredith drops to her knees and starts eating Addison out. "Oh shit, oh shit" Addison moans as she cums a second time. Meredith cleans her up and stands on her feet before pulling Addison in for a passionate kiss, they moan into each other's mouths.

Addison gets on her knees and pushes Meredith's back to the shower wall and starts eating Meredith out, Meredith is pulling in Addison's hair whilst Addison plunges three fingers into her wife's glistening pussy. "Oh God Addison faster" Meredith moans fill the air, she cums twice before collapsing into Addison's arms. Due to Meredith's pregnancy they both hadn't had sex in a while so they got out the shower and collapsed onto the bed.

"I love you so much you know that?" Meredith asks Addison, "I love you too" Addison says. They both fall asleep, naked and tangled up in each other's arms.

A/N: I no nothing about wedding vows so I googled the ones in this but I hope you enjoyed :)

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