A day at the Harbor

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It's a busy day today.

I was wandering the Graysand Harbor, which was a usual thing. There were always ships moored here and plenty of people. Always noisy and smells salty like the sea.

Let me introduce myself. I am Y/N. I have been an orphan since I was 3. 

15 years ago, this city was at war. During the evacuation, my parents chose to save themselves and abandoned me. I have been alone ever since. And I have been stealing for a living. There are not many things you can do, as a woman no less, without education in this town. The Englishmen were too rude and egotistic. The Traders required a specific skill set. And, of course, the Pirates.

I have no idea why, but I have never wanted to be near a Pirate. They're vicious, heartless thieves who steal from innocent people and from themselves too. And so, I had no other choice but to steal. Hey, it's a way of surviving too.

I wandered around in a black dress (also stolen) as my sharp eyes roamed around, looking for anything of value and doing the job they have been doing for the past 14 years. There I spotted a large ship. It belonged to an Englishman, judging by the flag. And it looked like there was a family migrating to the nearby island.

My eyes could see about 5 laborers carrying all the luggage and trunks into the cargo of of the ship. In my peripheral vision, I saw a lady, probably the Mistress of the house, hiding a piece of jewelry in each trunk. A smirk crawled up my lips.

I swiftly lifted up a crate and blended in with the crowd. I carried the crate into the cargo and pretended to check the lock until the rest of the laborers left for the next round. I quickly scanned my surroundings before crouching in front of a huge trunk. I took out a hairpin from my hair and started picking the lock. I learnt this trick from the local locksmith when I stole a key made of solid gold for him.

I smiled in satisfaction as I heard a light click! and the lock came loose. I opened the latches and lifted the lid, greeted my poofy gowns. I rummaged through the fluff and my finger came in contact with a small velvet box. I quickly open it and my jaw dropped.

A ring made of solid gold, with a diamond in the center. Not just any regular diamond....it was a Purple Tinted Diamond-one of the rarest to be mined! Oh boy I'm going to get so much money for this, I can settle for life! I quickly hid the ring in my blouse and looked around to see if anyone witnessed it.

Then I quickly but quietly went to the exit. I had a sneaky smile on my face. "Oye, Lassie!" I heard someone yell behind me. I flinched a little but turned around with a smile. It was the Lord of the Manor. I can tell by his clothes, and that 'I'm above everyone' egoistic look in his eyes.

"What are you doing here? All the servant maids are on the Barque!" He said.

"The Lady summoned me for a brief re-fitting of her laces, Milord. I was just about to leave." I said politely. But inside I wanted to punch him right on his stupid frown.

"Well then, scurry off!" The Lord said.

"Yes, Milord." I said, dipped a curtsy and quickly walked to the eastern side of the dock, where all the trading ships are moored. I smiled to myself. Only Lord in name, but not in brains. He couldn't even keep track of his own servants! Good thing he was married, or I would have been caught! I thought.

I was just about to cross the bridge when I heard yelling behind me. " Grab her! The thief!" And without looking back, I broke into a run. I reached the eastern side and started looking for a place to hide. I saw a trading ship with a red cloth draped over its bow, and I decided to hide there. I grabbed the ropes and hoisted myself up and slid behind the fabric.

I could hear the men running and the Lord screaming "She stole one of the most expensive gems in the world! If you don't get her I will blow your heads off!" Once the footsteps were no longer heard, I blew out a breath. Okay so he wasn't married after all I thought.

Just as I was about to jump down, the ship jerked. I nearly slipped and fell in the water but managed to hold on to the ropes. As I looked up the dock was much much further than I remembered. And then I realised....the ship was leaving.

My heart started beating faster. Okay, calm down. This was a trade ship, right? I'm sure the crew would be nice enough to let me stay or maybe go back and drop me off at the dock. I took a deep breath and started climbing up the ropes. But suddenly, the red cloth that was concealing me was yanked back.

I looked up and my blood turned cold. There was a figurehead of a swan. A black swan. My breathing became uneven. There was only one type of ship which used black figureheads. But the worst fact...trade ships don't have figureheads. Is this what I think it is?

I wanted to just hang in there until the ship docked but my logical side of my brain and curiosity got the better of me, and I kept climbing. I reached the bow spirit and peeked my head. The crew was very small....strange for such a huge ship. But then I witnessed the raising of a flag. It was a black flag with two trapeziums and a rip in the middle (basically the BTS logo with a rip in the centre.) and the letter S.S. At the bottom.

And that was when I knew that I had screwed up big time. I had boarded....sneakily boarded....a Pirate ship.


Hey guys this is my first ff....and it won't seem like it in the first chapter but I promise it will better better from the next one....also please comment and don't be a silent reader! I would love to hear your thoughts on my stories...Anyways cya next timeee luv ya!


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