How to hide Sweet Cakes from Jungkook

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2 weeks later


"Jeon Jungkook! Come back here right now!" I screamed.

"No!" The man with doe eyes and raven black hair screamed back at me. He laughed loudly as he ran through the crowded streets, holding close to his chest the box of sweet cakes that Captain Jin had made for me.

"Those are mine!" I yelled again, trying to catch up.

"They belong to me now!" He joyfully yelled back. I growled in frustration. I had to wait a whole week for Captain Jin to clear his schedule and make the cakes for me and the others. I was very excited after hearing how good they taste from Hoseok.

I stopped running and breathed heavily from all the running. I thought of a way to get them back. Or.....there was another way....

I quickly ran in the other direction. If he thinks he can simply take someone else's treats, I'll do the same. I barged into the Main House kitchen, and grabbed the box with the initials  JJK  engraved in them. I ran at the speed of light towards the harbour, in the opposite direction Jungkook ran in.

I plan to hide in the storage area, which is the last place Jungkook would expect me to be. I saw someone standing near Captain Park's office. Judging by the sculpted face, I knew it was safe to hide near him.

"Oh? Y/N what are you doing here?" Taehyung asked me.

"Oppa whatever you do, never let Jungkook know I was here! Thanks!" I said out of breath and barged into the empty office. Immediately my body curled itself up under the wooden desk. I snickered, imagining the look on Jungkook's face when he finds out that his own box of sweet cakes was missing.

I hid the box in the corner where the shadow obscured the view. I immediately ran out, rushing past a confused Taehyung.

"I'll explain later!" I yelled while running away. I joyfully and quite evilly laughed as I went around the beach toward the market where Jungkook was most likely to be after running through the residence area. And as I had anticipated, he was there, looking extremely confused as to why I wasn't chasing his tail. I giggled to myself again.

It felt good to feel the thrill of stealing and hiding something again. I put on my acting face and ran along.

"I seriously hate you for this..." I said while panting. Well I really had been running so I wasn't pretending.

The boy in front of me just flashed his cute smile as I scowled. If only people knew how much evil resided behind it.

"Give back my cakes." I said sternly as I crossed my arms and blew the hair that was sticking to my forehead. Jungkook straightened and crossed his arms too, flexing his well built arms and reaching his full height. He looked down at me as his smile slowly changed back to its mischievous form.

"Why should I?" He asks with an eyebrow raise. I scoffed.

"Because Captain Jin made it for me! You have your own share so why take mine?" I said.

"For fun. I used to get more of them but since you came along I lost 2 pieces!" He said with a childish huff. My demeanor slightly cracked but I quickly hid my smile.

"Don't be greedy. And you should learn how to share. Maybe all of your hyungs spoiled you as the youngest." I said. "Now tell me where my cakes are." I demanded once again.

"Y/N!" I heard someone call me from behind. Captain Park approached us with an expressionless face.

"Captain RM wants to see you." He said. I stiffened. Captain RM usually just comes and talks to me. If he wants me to come to the Main House it probably means that he wants to talk about something official or important.

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