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I got up at the speed of light. I exited my cabin quickly and ran to the docks. I had a huge smile on my face and excitement ran through me which caused my legs to move on their own. I ran through the streets, apologizing quickly to any people I bumped into. The docks were crowded, with Captain Suga's crew to assist the pirates arriving. Or rather, the pirates that arrived.

The two majestic ships had already docked and the crewmen were moving up and down, helping injured pirates from the raid, and moving the equipment and furniture from the old outpost. I watched the systematic work of a crew guided by a teenage Captain. Speaking of the Captains, they were nowhere to be seen. Neither were the first mates, except for Minho.

He was standing near the ship, overlooking the process going on in both ships. After a short inner debate, I decided to go talk to him.

"Hello there!" I said energetically. Minho looked at me, and then back at the crew and replied with "Hi."

We were directly below the entrance of The Mikrokosmos, where the broken furniture was being tossed from one pirate to another in a flawless systematic line. I was impressed with their skills.

"You were put in charge of the process I see..." I said, watching the pirate appear from the lower deck. The pirates moved tables, chairs and all other furniture, separating the broken ones from the undamaged ones. There were also trunks, maps, weapons and some other equipment that I couldn't recognise.

Suddenly a yell was heard and I was pushed to the ground quite roughly. I heard a gasp and a grunt. I groaned and opened my eyes to see Minho standing in the place where I was just seconds ago, holding up and balancing a half fallen wooden table on his shoulders.

It looked heavy...

"Yah! You're going to break someone's head with that clumsiness!" He yelled at the pirate that let the table slip.

"I'm really sorry! It won't happen again!" The pirate said. Minho hoisted up the table with a push and it fell back on deck. The pirate bowed a few times to me as an apology. I just shook my hands signalling that it was fine. I really would have busted a bone if Minho hadn't saved me. His reflex speed is impressive.

I got back up and dusted my clothes. "Are you okay?" Minho asked me. I smiled.

"Yes, thanks to you." I said.

"Hmm. You shouldn't stay here any longer. It's dangerous. If you are looking for the Captains you have to wait a few minutes for the meeting to end." Minho said

"Oh...okay thank you!" I said and waved at him before leaving. I haven't seen Ms. Aerin in a while, so I decided to visit her until the meeting ends.

"Ajhumma!" I said cheerfully as I entered the small house. Ms Aerin and I had gotten close over the days too.

"Y/N-ah! How have you been, darling?" Ms. Aerin asked me with a dazzling smile as always.

"I've been good. What are you up to?" I asked.

"I was just fixing up a few clothes I received from The Mikrokosmos crew. All that heavy lifting and moving surely would have worn and torn up a few clothes." She said and pointed to a pile of clothes next to her.

"Do you need any help? I can stitch up the small holes for you." I offered but Ms. Aerin shook her head.

"No, a female pirate like you should be training with a sword, or travelling the sea. Not sitting here stitching up men's clothes." she said.

"Ajhumma...I did the same thing before becoming a pirate. And pirate or no, I am still a woman. I can stitch the small holes." I said and went through the pile of clothes before Ms. Aerin could protest. She just sighed and smiled at me while I picked out a black shirt which was missing a few buttons.

Aboard the Black Swan | P.JM |Where stories live. Discover now