Captain Kim

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I looked up and into his eyes. "Will you be a part of our family?" He asked. I smiled.

"Count me in." I said. Captain RM smiled wider, flashing dimples on both sides.

"Welcome to Bangtan, sister."


"Happy to be here, Captain." I said with a cheesy smile. Captain RM chuckled.

"Great. How old are you, Y/N?" He asked.

"I am 19 years old." I said, counting the years in my head.

"You are the same age as Jungkook...that is perfect!" Captain RM said. I made a confused face.

"Another Captain. You will get to meet them all soon enough, now that you have agreed to stay." He said with a genuine smile. I smiled back. Then he slowly got up.

"Now if you want to be one of us, there is a specific skill set you need to master. The main being Self Defence and Combat. And for that, you need a mentor. And appropriate attire. You can't go jumping ropes and slashing swords while wearing a dress." He listed the things as he went towards the door and I followed.

As he opened the door, a man was standing outside.

As he opened the door, a man was standing outside

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It was the other guy that was with Captain Park. The one with the deep voice. And also....

"Ah. Captain Kim. Business went well in Greysand, I believe." Captain RM asked. The guy aka Captain Kim nodded. I still don't understand why there could be two Captains for one ship...

"Maybe even a little extra profit." He said with a smirk. Captain RM smiled slightly.

"You two never fail to impress me. Anyway, I wanted to ask you a favor." He said. Then he turned to me.

"As you know, this is Y/N. And from now on, she will be one of us." He said. Captain Kim's eyes widened. Then he flashed a lopsided smile and took my hand.

"Captain Kim Taehyung. Nice to meet the lucky lady." He said and kissed my hand. I could have said so many things but....the first thing my stupid mouth blurted out was:

"You pointed a dagger at my neck."

Captain RM knitted his eyebrows as Captain Kim gave a sheepish smile as he let go of my hand.

"I believe that wasn't intended. Orders are orders. I wouldn't threaten anyone without a good reason to." He said.

"Alright clearly I missed something but let's talk about that favor." Captain RM said. Captain Kim nodded.

"I want you to train her. In sword fighting." Captain Kim's smile slowly faded.

"Captain...are you sure?" He asked. Captain RM nodded assuringly.

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