God what I wouldn't do for a better life

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Kasey's POV

"Stop touching me!" I screamed swating my mom's creep, dunkin  boyfriend's hands away from my ass.

"Oh come on baby, you know you like it." He slurred grabbing my arm.


"No I don't now leave me alone you asshole" I said pulling my arm away and running to the door.

I grabbed my bag and ran out.

I stopped running once I got to the old oak tree near the park.

I hunched over to catch my breath.

God what I wouldn't do for a better life.

I started walking towards the old convenience store on Hopper Lane.

It was already starting to get dark with the sun going down. I guess I'll be out here until Derek decides to go home.

Great. Now what am I supposed to do for three plus hours?

I reached the old convenience store and spotted some of the guys that went to my old high-school outside passing around glass bottle covered by a paper bag.

And I thought my night couldn't get any better.

I kept walking and pretended like they weren't there.

That was until my arm got pulled on.

Greez what's with everybody pulling on my arm today?


I turned to find Luke Grayson.


"Hi Luke" said pulling my arm away.

"What are you doing here? It's late, you shouldn't be here it's not safe." He asked concerned.

Why does he care?

"I needed to get out the of the house. That's all."

"Well okay. Just don't hang around here to much longer. Things get pretty dangerous around 8:30."

"Thanks Luke. I'll see you around"

I walked into the convenience store and headed straight for the snack aisle.

I picked up a bag of Takis and a WhiteOut Mountain Dew. And headed for the counter.

I payed for my stuff and walked out the door.

Off to the park I go.

Just a little starter chapter.

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