"I love you."

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2 weeks later


Jason's POV

"Jason stop I need to finish making dinner." Kasey whined as I followed her around the kitchen.

"But I'm bored." I whined back.

"Jason this house is big as shit. There has to be something you can do to occupy your time."

"But I want to do something with you." I said pouting.

Kasey looked at my lip then back up to my face.

"What is it that you want to do?" She asked crossing her arms.

I thought for a second.


I looked at her up and down and gave her a smirk.

"What? Why you lookin' at me like that?" she said crossing her arms over her chest.

I wiggled my eyebrows at her devilishly.

"Oh no." She said walking past me.

I grabbed her waist and pulled her back into me.

"But princess." I said squeezing her hips likes she likes.

She shivered in response.

"I know you want to." I whispered in her ear.

"Jason." She whined as I nibbled on her ear.

"Kasey." I whined back.

She grabbed my hands and pried them off her hips. She turned around to me and looked at me nervously.

"What?" I asked concerned.

"Jason I don't know if you know this or not but ummm... it would be my first time." She said looking down blushing.

I chuckled a little and picked her chin up to look at me. "I know that princess and I'm not gonna push you but I do wanna try some things." I said smirking at her.

She raised an eyebrow at me. "What kind of things?"

I grabbed her hands and pulled her towards the stairs.


"I'm not gonna hurt you princess, I'm just gonna make you feel good." I said pulling her into the bedroom.

I sat her on the bed and told her to lay back. "Relax princess I'm just going to see what you taste like." I said unbuttoning her jeans.

"Be gentle Jason." She said lifting her hips up.

"Always." I said throwing her jeans to the floor.

I ran my hands up her thighs and slowly caressed them.

I grabbed her underwear and pulled them down, and thorough them on the floor.

I heard Kasey's breathing get heavier. I knew she was getting nervous.

"Trust me princess." I said tryin' to clam her down.

I slowly kiss and licked my way up her inner thighs. Until I reached Kasey's hot, aching center. She was so responsive. And I love it.

I softly run my tongue across her distended lips, tasting her ever so slowly.

I took one soft lip into my mouth, softly sucking on it. I reached my hand up and gripped her right breast.

She arched her back off the bed whimpering.


I moved my mouth up and started to suck on her proud cl*t.

I wrapped my lips around Kasey's bulging cl*t. Causing her hips to buck upwards.

I entered a finger inside her, pumping in and out at a steady pace.

I felt her clenching around my finger. I knew she was close to her climax.

"Jason I'm gonna cum." She whimpered out bucking her hips more.

"Come for daddy princess."
I said adding another finger.

She let out a cracked moan of my name and clenched around my fingers dangerously tight.

I quickly put my mouth firmly on her cl*t sucking harshly letting her ride out her organism.

I finally released her clit with a pop sound.

I looked up at her to see her face red and panting.

I ran a finger over her clit and her hips bucked up.

"Someone's sensitive." I chuckled.

I crawled up on top of her and kissed up her neck until I reached her lips.

"Jason that was...."

"Amazing?" I chuckled.

"Yeah." She said breathlessly looking into my eyes.

I looked back into those green-hazel eyes getting lost thinking about everything.

"I love you."

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