Here goes nothing...

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Kasey's POV

"You didn't say it back?" Alex screamed at me.

"No I was scared and let's just say I wasn't expecting that to happen." I said screaming back a little.

"Oh my god!" Alex groand sitting on the couch.

"Alex I'm scared. Does he usually disappear like this?"

"Only when he's really upset or having a relapse of some kind, from the medicine. His body doesn't always accepted the medicine."

"Yeah I know that. But what happens now?"

"We pray he comes home sober."


I sat up in my bed at the sound of a loud crash downstairs. I looked over at the clock and it said 3:37am.


I climbed out of bed and grabbed a pair of Jason's sweat pants slipping them on.

I walked out the bedroom, down the spiral stair case.

I heard rustling coming from the kitchen.

I hope this goes well.

I walked towards the kitchen door and looked through the crack.

I could see Jason moving back and forth whispering something to himself.

Here goes nothing...

I pushed the door open and it creaked. Jason's head spin in my direction and his face had a blank expression.

"Jason?" I said timidly.

Jason sighed and rubbed his face with his hands. "Princess, what are you doing up?"

"I heard the crash. Are you okay?" I asked walking fully into the kitchen.

"If okay is having your heart broken by your girlfriend not saying I love you back than no." He snapped.

"Jason I'm sorr-"

"Don't okay, I have had enough people to tell me their sorry to last me two life times." He said trying to walk pass me.

"Jason please..." I said grabbing his arm.

"What Kasey? What do you want? Haven't you done enough?" He screamed at me.

I jumped back afraid. And I think Jason noticed because his face softened.

"I sorry." I squeaked out afraid.

"I freaked out, I wanted to say it back but I knew I wouldn't really mean it. I want to mean it when I tell you Jason. But I do care about you. I would never hurt you like that on purpose."

Jason let out a heavy sigh and walked over to me.

"I'm sorry too." He breathed out, moving a piece of hair out my face.

"Can we just go back to the way things were, please?" I begged.

"Yeah we can, but...I want something." He said with a smirk.

"What?" I said stepping back a little.

"You'll see." He said pulling me towards the stairs.

Okay this chapter sucked ass. But i just had to update. And yalls got this book to over 5k do yeahhh. Thank you so much. I'm going to try and update more frequently like I used to so. Yeah. And it would also help if y'all reminded me. Love y'all ❤- A

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