Boom! (Part 1)

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Jason's POV

"Alright that's the last bomb." Alex said jogging up beside me.

"Good, where's dad?"

"I thought he was with you?"

"No, I thought he was with you?"

Alex and I turned and looked at each other.


"Where the fuck could he have gone?" Alex said looking around.

"I don't know-"

"Ready to go boys."

I snapped my head to the left to see my dad coming towards us with two big duffle bags in his hands.

"Um dad what is that?"

"Oh nothing just some compensation." Our dad smirked, dropping the bags to the ground.

I kneed to the ground and unzipped one of the bags.

Money, drugs, weapons

"Is the other the same?"

"Yep, Edward is not very smart leaning those things just laying around. It could get his operation destroyed. Alex you finished placing those bombs yet?"

"All done, just waiting for deadnation."

"Alright boys let's get out of here." my dad said picking up the duffle bags.

Kasey's POV

"The state police reports that no lives where lost in the explosion but sources tell us this explosion was no accident. There is reportly a gang war going on in Canada and spreading along the major cities in the United States. The Canadian and American government are working closely together as this problem grows. This has been Sasha Mack with channel 15 news New York."

I turned the tv off and layer back on the couch.

Oh Jason what have you done?

"This is like 1993 all over again."

I turned behind me to see Pattie drying her hands.

"Is see the boys got their father back in his old ways. Jeremy always did like things that went boom."

"Something like this happened right before Jason was born?"

"Oh yes, Jeremy had a big thing about revenge. That's where the boys get it from. I just hope Jeremy hasn't helped them open the gates to hell that may or may not be able to close."

Hey guys☺. Things are gonna get ugly in the next chapter. Oh and also part two is the 3 to the last chapter of the book! 😵😱. It's almost over guys -Aaliyah💙

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