Taking Her

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Jason's POV

"You can not be serious Jason?"

"Am damn serious Alex. I want her, I think she can help me."

"Jason please listen to your self. Your talking about taking a girl away from her life."

"She hates her life. Her life is crap, she deserves a better one. One with me." I said whispering that last part.

"This is like Abigail all over again."

"Don't you dare say her name!" I screamed at Alex.

"I'm sorry Jason, but this is a bad idea. Leave this girl be."

I shook my head and got up out my chair.

"I can't, I need her." I said grabbing my jacket and walking out.

Kasey's POV

"Mom please listen to me. He's no good. And he's married and has kid's for God's sake. Don't you see how bad that is." I said trying to reason with my mother.

"But I love him, and he loves me."

"No he loves your money."

"No that's not true." She said shaking her head.

"Than you have left me no choice. I can't stay here any longer. And watch him destroy you."

"Kaitlyn please-"

"I'm Kasey damn it, Kasey mom. I know how much you love Kaitlyn, but she's not coming back ever." I said running up the stairs.

I slammed my bedroom door close and ran to my closet.

I grabbed my already packed suit case and through it on the bed.

I reached under my bed and grabbed the wad of cash my mother gave me.

I put its in my pocket, grabbed my phone, and slung by bag over my shoulder.

I opened up my bedroom door and ran down the stairs.

I didn't see my mom anywhere.

But I did run into the devil himself.

"Where are you going little girl?"

"None of your damn business." I said walking past him.

"Is that anyway to talk to your father."

I stopped dead in my tracks and whipped around to face him.

"You are not my father you sick bastard. And you never well be."

I grabbed the front door swinging it open.

Not even caring to close it.

I walked out the door and started heading to the train station.

I can't believe I'm actually doing this. I've always wondered what my life would be like if I ever left this town.

Guess I'm gonna find out.

It is 7:45 and it is dark. And I still haven't reached this fucking train station.

I looked up at the moon and prayed for my life to get better.

I continued to walk until I heard footsteps behind me.

I stopped and looked around. I didn't see anything or anyone.

I just shrugged it off and continued walking.

Finally I saw the sign that said train station next mile.


I started to walk a little faster, that was until my arm was grabbed.

I let out a little squeak and a hand covered my mouth.

My back was against a firm chest.

I kept trying to break away, hitting the person with my arms.

But it had no effect.

Suddenly I felt something poke my neck and I felt my body get really cold.

My arms went limp and I slowly started to get consumed by darkness.

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