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Jason's POV

"Jason what the hell just happened in here?"

I looked up at Alex and sighed.

"I think me and Kasey are done."

"What!? I was gone for what five minutes? How much shit could happen in five minutes?"

I chuckled bitterly. "It was enough time for me to threaten to kill her and serve her body into pieces and throw them in Lake Erie."

"Jason you didn't?" Alex asked worriedly.

"I did. I didn't mean it. It just slipped out. I got so angry and I was hurt."

"That doesn't give you the right to threaten to kill her Jason."

"I know." I said sadly.

"Jason go apologize to her."

"She isn't gonna wanna talk to me Alex. I hurt her. The one thing I promised to never do. And I did it." I said suddenly getting angry and balling my fist up.

"Jason calm down. You got that Bobby Brown look in your eye. What are you thinking?"

"Ever since we were kids, i always knew how to fuck things up. For you, mom & dad. Everyone. I never ceased to fail. And after all these years and all this time, i think I finally understand why nothing in my life has never worked out. It's because of me Alex. I'm toxic to everyone around me. I either hurt them or get them killed. And now after what just happened with Kasey. I realize that's never gonna change."


"This needs to stop Alex. And I know the perfect way to do it." I said walking to the door.

"Jason where are you going? And more importantly what are you gonna do?"

"Something I should've did a very long time ago." I said before walking out the door.

Oooooh cliffhanger. What's Jason gonna do??

Sorry guys I thought I updated this Sunday on my Laptop but unfortunately it didn't so yeah sorry for the wait.

Saturday around 1:00pm Eastern Time I will post the next chapter. And all I gotta say is, have tissues. -A💙

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