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Hey guys 😄. I will be updating this book today and all weekend. But it's gonna be a little weird.

Okay so I finally read this book myself and it's really amazing. I see why you guys love it but I feel like it's missing a few things so I asked Aaliyah (she is getting better and a lot healthier.) if it was okay to add a couple more chapters to past parts. And she said yeah. So. I probably add like 3-4 new chapters.

And this what they will go between just so y'all know and won't be confused.

A chapter will go between

"Tell me and yourself and "I know we gotta get out of here."

Explorations & Trouble and Feelings

Feelings and Well that was dark

All chapters will have a ** at the beginning and end of the name of the chapter.

There might be one more but I have not decided where it's gonna go yet but if I do decide to make another one I will let yall know at the end of the chapter that goes between Feelings and Well that was dark.

I know what y'all are probably thinking why not just wait until the book ends to do that. Well Aaliyah and I was gonna do that but we decided to make this book a little longer than planned so yeah and if I don't do it soon it will bother the living shit outta me. Anyway but y'all should like all the chapters that's coming up. So all this weekend it's gonna be updated city so watch out. Thanks guys - Kaitlyn.

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