"I know, we gotta get outta here."

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Kasey's POV

"Jason no stop!" I screamed running around the kitchen table.

"No, no come back here princess." He said waving a finger at me.

"Only if you promise not to tickle me. I hate being tickled."

He looked at me up and down while tapping his chin with his finger.

"Okay I won't tickle you."

"Thank you." I said sighing in relief.

"But I want something in return."

"Like what?"

He gave me a smirk.

He turned his head and tapped his finger on his cheek.

Oh you gotta be kidding me.

I huffed and walked over to his side of the table.

"Give daddy a kiss princess." He said smirking.

I rolled my eyes in annoyance.

Hmmmm I should play with him a little bit.

I grabbed Jason's face and pulled him towards me.

I planted one solid kiss on his lips.

I heard him groan in response.

He has soft lips.

I pulled away and smiled.

Jason was looking at me with wide eyes.

"There you go daddy." I said tapping his cheek and walking away.

I didn't even get to the living room before my back hit the wall.

I looked to see a mischievous looking Jason.

"Ya know that teasing isn't nice princess." He said lifting my legs up wrapping them around his waist.


"Yes princess?"

"Put me down."

"Nah. I like this position." He said pushing into me.

He leaned forward and planted a kiss on my neck. Making me shiver.

"Do I make you nervous princess?" He whispered in my ear. Then biting on slightly.

I gasped and wrapped my arms around his neck bring him closer.

"Jason" I said breathlessly.

"I won't hurt you princess." He said before attaching his lips to mine.

I let out a startled moan before kissing him back.

His lips fit perfectly against mine. They we're so soft.

And kissing him felt so right and so natural.

He licked my bottom lip asking for entrance and I opened up to him.

Jason's tongue eagerly found mine.

He moaned into my mouth and pulled our bodies closer.

Making me feel his hard on.

"Jason could you-Oh my god!"

Jason pulled away from me with a groan.

I looked to the right to see Alex with his mouth hanging open.

I gave him a little wave.

"Thanks for ruining the moment Alex."

Jason's POV

"I'm never gonna get that image out of my head." Alex said shaking his head.

"Oh calm down. I've seen some unforgettable things with you too."

"Like what?"

"Last New Years, with those three Brazilian chicks."

"Ah good times good times." He said leaning his head back on the couch.

I shook my head in disgust and turned on the tv.

Kasey walked back in holding a beer can.

I patted my lap. And she gave me a look.

I raised an eyebrow at her. And patted my lap again.

She rolled her eyes and walked on over to me.

"Come here princess." I said wrapping my arms around her waist, pulling her into my lap.

"Your full of it." She whispered.

"Yep and soon you will too." I said smirking. Hoping she knew what I meant.

Her face turned bright red.

Oh yeah

She turned away from me and looked at the tv.

I looked over at Alex who was shaking his head.

"Hey somethings happening." Kasey said pointing at the tv.

An 8 news special report came on the screen.

"Hello I'm Hailey Moss and this is an 8 news special report. The local bank here in Manchester has been bombed. We believe that the faceless criminal master minds known as Alex and Jason McCann are behind this. No one knows what these two look like. But over the last five years they have been reaking havoc across the country as well as the U.S.. The F.B.I is now involved in this case. Agent Arnold Matthews is the leader of the task force that will be haunting the two brothers down. If you have any information about Alex and Jason McCann please call the police department. All tips will me anonymous. Stay tuned as this story develops. Thank you."

"Oh shit." I heard Alex mutter.

"Jason?" Kasey said looking at me.

I saw the fear in her eyes.

"Jason we-"

"I know, we gotta get outta here."

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