Past Hardships

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Jason's POV

"What is it with you McCann's an your damn pride. Is it really that important?" Kasey said stopping me in the bedroom.

"Kasey move."

"No I don't want you too go. Jason something isn't right. Nothing has happened the last couple days. Don't you think that's a little odd after a week of almost attacks?"

I rubbed my forhead in annoyce. "Yes it is odd. But it's always a window. Which I plan on jumping through." I said zipping up my bag.

"And what if that window is too high?"

"So what?" I said turning back around looking at her.

"So what? Because your not invincible Jason!"

I sighed and grabbed her by the waist pulling her into me.

"Kasey listen to me. I know what I'm doing. You have to trust me."

She looked at me for a long moment. Then sighed.

"Don't get yourself killed."

Kasey's POV

"So I guessing my son went to go play Superman." Pattie said taking a sip of her tea.

I took a deep breath. "Yes, even though I told him to wait. But he never listens to me."

Pattie chuckled. "Jeremy was the same way. He never listened to a word I said but when I turned out to be right he would give me this glare. I always returned it was a smirk and blew him a kiss."

I giggled. "Y'all sound so happy but agressive together."

"We where." she said smiling looking down.

"Then why did you leave? Jason said it was because he wanted him and Alex to take over the business. But why am I getting the feeling that's not the real reason." I said looking at her.

Pattie sighed and looked down at the counter top. "It's part of the reason. The other part is-it's complicated." She said looking back up at me.

I nodded my head for her to countuie.

"Before the boys where born Jeremy that it was crucial that I learned how to protect myself if we where going to be together. So he trained me like he does all new gang members. And he didn't cut me any slack either. He drilled me hard. I learned how to fight, kill, and monuver like a real killer. And I liked it. So whenever I was out by myself I knew I could handle my self."

"Wow. That sounds um-well I don't know how to really describe it."

"It's fine honey. Anyway after Jason's sixteenth birthday, Jeremy and I had a fight. I was pregnant again and he went blistic. He didn't want another child. And he told me to get rid of it. And I denied." She took a deep breath and held her mug tighter.

"Listen to next thing I'm about to tell you is not all Jeremy's fault. This was a time period when his addiction was very bad. And I knew but I still provked him."

"I understand, trust me. There's not much I don't nowadays."

She smiled at me. "We got to fighting and well- it got bad really bad and he hit me. And I hit him back. And that's what set him off and he pushed me. I tripped and fell down the basement steps. The next thing I know I wake up in a hospital bed with doctors saying how sorry they where and how they did everything they could."

I just sat there in complete shock.

"I lost my baby and Jeremy was upset also but I was so angery and then him telling me about retiring and letting the boys take over was just the iceing on the cake. I drew out the divorce paper before even really thinking. Took Jason and came here."


"Kasey the boys don't know about this and I don't want them to ever find out. I don't want them to hate there father more than they already do."

"My lips are sealed."

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