Searching (Part 2)

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This chapter is dedicated to @Bedazzle17 because she's been a babe and been voting like crazy on a lot books.💙

Kasey's POV

"We got to find him before it's too late." I said looking at the sun set.

"I know that Kasey. But where could he be?"

I thought hard. If I where Jason where would I go?

"Whenever I needed to think, I would always come out here and just sit here for hours watching nature turn. It calms me down."

Oh my god.....the cliff!

"The cliff!" I screamed causing Alex to swerve off the road a little.

"What?" He asked frantic stopping in the middle of the road.

"The cliff, Jason took me to this beautiful cliff area behind the woods. I think he's there. He said it always calms him down. He has to be there."

"Do you know where it is?"

"Yeah I'm pretty sure."

"Alright lets get to that cliff."


"Kasey slow down!" I heard Alex yell behind me.

If I slow down it might be to late. If it's not already.

I saw a peak of sunlight through the trees. Letting me know I was close to the clearing.

I picked up speed and busted through the last couple of trees and onto the clearing.

I looked to my left and to my right frantically, looking for Jason.

And there he was to my right look down at the water over 200 feet below.

I heard the trees rustle behind me and I looked to see Alex panting.

I kept quite, not trying to startle Jason.

I got about 10 feet away from him when I realized I really had to stop him.

I can't live without him. He means everything to me.

"Jason?" I whispered but loud enough for me to here it.

Jason jumped and turned around to look at me wide eyed.

"Kasey? What are you doing here?"

"Jason don't do this." I said stepping towards him a little.

He shook his head.
"No Kasey this has to happen. I do not deserve to live. I don't deserve you."

"Jason I forgive you for everything. It wasn't your fault. I should of never tried to interfere in your life. And you do deserve to live and you deserve me. We need each & love each other. " I said as the tears poured out my eyes.

"I know but you deserve better & to me safe. Not with someone as unstable and dangerous as me." He said looking back down at the cliff.

"Jason please just step away from the cliff. Come home with me and Alex please." I pleaded reaching out my head towards Jason.

"Jason come on, I can not ho home to Mom and tell her your gone. She won't be able to take it." Alex said stepping beside me.

Jason looked at me for a long moment his eyes held a lost look I had never seen before.

"Kasey I'm do love you but-"

"No, no buts." I said getting angry.

"You made a promise to me Jason Drew McCann. And after everything we have been through you are not just gonna leave me. I have had enough people leave me in my life. And this is the first time in years I have been honestly and truly happy. And it's all because of you. You did all of it. And you say you don't deserve to live and you don't deserve me. That's bull shit. Nobody deserves me but you Jason. Only you. You can't leave me. Please."

Jason looked at me with a blank expression for a moment.

"And if you jump, I jump. I refuse to live me life without you in it." I said walking towards the edge of the cliff standing directly in front of him.

"You do that?" He asked looking at me intently.

"Yes I would, now are we gonna do this or are we going to get in the truck and go home and forget this whole thing ever happened."

I put out my hand for him to take. And he stared at it for a long moment before he grabbed it squeezed.

"I love you." He said pulling me to him.

I smiled a little, still a little shooken up by thus whole situation.

"I love you too. And please, please never scare me like that again. The thought of losing you makes my heart break in two." I said holding back the tears that where trying to break through.

He looked down at the ground and then at me. "I promise."

"Shit." I heard Alex mumble across from us.

He shift beside me and look around.

"What?" I asked looking at him.

He looked at me then at Jason.

"Where not alone." He said as he took a gun outta the back of his pants.

Jason frowned and stepped away from the cliff a little pulling me with him.


Jason put a finger up to his mouth silencing me instantly.

What the hell is going on?

I looked around the cliff and saw nor heard nothing.

What the hell is with these two? Maybe it's that criminals initiation.

Jason then pulled out his gun.

"Princess go and get behind that boulder." Jason said pointing to the boulder behind me.

I looked at it then I looked between Jason and Alex.

"What's going on?"

"We got trouble that's what's going on."

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