Home to Mama (Part 1)

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Kasey's POV

"Jason, does your mother know we're coming?"


"Is this a really good idea? What about Edward?"

"Nothing to worry about, this area is completely off limits to all gang war fare & buisness. So where safe." He said kissing my temple.

"Where did Alex go?"

"To see our dad."


"Come on." He said while dragging me into the house.

"Mom!" Jason yelled throwing our bags in a room.

"Chipmunk !" I heard a women yell from the kitchen.

I snickered. "Chipmunk?"

Jason gave me a hard glare. "Don't even."

I just smiled at him.

He rolled his eyes and pulled us to the kitchen.

"Hi mom" he said letting go of my hand and walking over to his mother and hugging her.

His mother hugged him back tight.

"It's so good to see you. It's been forever."

"I know mom, I'm sorry it's been really hectic lately."

His mother released him and looked at me and smiled.

"So this is the Kasey I know nothing about." She said hitting Jason's chest.

She walked over to me and pulled me into a hug.

"It's so nice to meet you Kasey. I'm Pattie."

"It's nice to meet you too." I said hugging her back."

She released me and looked back to Jason."So how long are y'all staying? "

I looked at Jason and he just shrugged his shoulders."A couple days."

"Well good because we have some caughting up to do and I have to get to know my future daughter in law."

I looked at her bewildered, then looked at Jason.

He had the same expression on his face.

"Um mom we've only been together a couple months okay. Slow down." Jason said chuckling.

"I know, but a mother can dream can't she? I want grandchildren Jason."

Jason took a deep breath and pinched the bridge of his nose."Mom"

"Okay, okay. You guys go get unpacked then come down for dinner. I made your favorite Jason."

"Okay mom."

"Oh and I made up your room Jason for you and Kasey to sleep in."

"Thank you Pattie."

"Your welcome, now go on you two."


"You look exactly like your mom." I said giggling.

"Yes I know." He said smirking.

"So how is this place off limits to gang business?" I asked curious.

"Well all areas where gang members families live are off limits. Targeting someones family is just wrong. Involving family into gang business is unnecessary. More people get hurt or worse. That's why that law is in place."

I nodded in understanding."Well that's smart."

"Yep my dad made the law right after my brother was born. He was one of the few gang leaders at the time that had kids and a family. He saw it as creusal to be put into place."

"Understandable, so why did Alex go to see your dad."

"To get his help on something."

"And that something is?" I said turning my head to the side looking at him.

"Baby listen to me okay. There are somethings you are just better off not knowing about. It's not that I don't trust you or anything like that, it's just-"

"Bad things?" I asked finishing his sentence.

"Yes. And I will tell you once it all gets sorted out. Just not now. Okay?"

"Okay Jason. I trust you."

"Good." He said putting some of our clothes in a draw.

I bit my lip lightly. Debating if I should ask the question that's been on my mind a while. But I deserve a right to know since I'm involved in this mess now.

I too a deep breath and exhaled it out. "Are you going to kill him?"

"Kill who?" Jason asked turning around to face me.

"Edward. Are you going to kill him?" I said looking directly into his eyes.

He looked down at the ground and sighed."The thought had crossed my mind frequently." He said still looking down at the ground.

"Oh." Was all I said as I looked down at my feet.

I felt Jason walk towards me.

He leaned down infront of me and and took one of my hand in one of his.

"Kasey listen, I had planned to leave the bastard alone. But he messed with my business and I don't take that lightly. So I planned to beat him into the worthless piece of shit that he is. But I have you now. And he had the balls to threaten you too. And well that just makes me furious. Kasey I love you and I'm not gonna let anything happen to you. And if that means putting a bullet through Edwards red skull then so be it. As long as I have you at the end I'll be happy. Kasey please say you can understand that?" He said cupping my cheek.

I smiled at him and squeezed his hand."Yes Jason, I can understand that. And I love you too." I said kissing him.

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