"He will always be mine!"

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Kasey's POV

What the fuck?

"Can I come in?" Abigail said looking at Jason then at me.


Excuse me! Oh no I don't like this one bit.

Abigail stepped inside and walked straight into the living room.

Jason just stared at the back of her until she disappeared.

"Jason?" I said in a low whisper.

Jason looked at me and I saw nothing but confusion & hurt in his eyes.

"Is this the same Abigail-"

"Yes Kasey." He said before walking away into the living room.


I slowly followed behind and entered the living room. Were Jason just stood looking at Abigail and Abigail just looking at Jason.

"Hi I'm Abigail Brett and you are?" She said walking towards me and putting out her hand.

"Kasey Michaels, Jason's girlfriend." I said shaking her hand.

"Oh, ummm- that's nice."

"What are you doing here Abby?" Jason said softly.

Oh so it's Abby now.

"Well I came to see you Jase, but you weren't at the house, so I thought and then I remembered this place and took my chances and came here."

"But why?" Jason said looking down at the ground.

Abigail stepped forward and put her hand under Jason's chin and made him look at her.

"Because I miss you." She said softly.

Excuse me, am I not right here. Little bitch.

I cleared my throat and they both looked at me shocked. Like they forgot I was still here.

Jason stepped back form her and sighed.

"Do you have something you wanna say?" Abigail said irritated.

Who the fuck she getting an attitude with?

"Yes, who the hell do you think you are? You can't just come back into Jason's life after all this time and say you miss him. That's just wrong. You hurt Jason. Plus he has me and your really overstepping your boundaries." I said through a clenched jaw.

Don't hit her, don't hit her.

Abigail laughed a little and flipped her hair back.

"Jason has you, wow he sure downgraded. What makes you so special huh? You just look like an easy fuck to me. What you have been here like 3 maybe 5 days?"

"No a little over a month. I left Canada with Jason. I was with him before that." I said proudly.

"Oh well isn't that nice. But I was with Jason almost 5 years." She said smiling.

Five years!

"You didn't know that did you? You see I've seen Jason in his best and absolute worse. Have you ever see Jason kill someone? No you haven't, because I can see in your eyes you couldn't handle it. I can tell you have this big bad image on the outside, but really your just a scared little bitch on the inside." She said getting in my face.

Bitch betta back the fuck up.

"If anyone is a bitch in this room it's you. And so what I haven't see Jason kill someone, I know I love him that is all that matters."

I what?

Form the corner of my eye I saw Jason's eyed widen when I said I loved him.

"Well he doesn't love you. He loves me. He always has and he always will. He will always be mine!" She screamed at me.

"Abigail!" Jason screamed out.

We both turned our attention towards him and Jason was looking in between us.

"Yes baby?" She said sweetly.

"You will not talk to my girlfriend like that. And I think that it would be best if you leave." Jason said narrowing his eyes at her.

Ha. Bye bitch.

"Excuse me!? Your choosing this slut over me?" Abigail yelled.

"She's not a slut that's you. And yes because she loves me, she didn't jump ship when she saw me have an episode. You did. Why did you huh? You saw me kill, torture, and completely destroy people but you couldn't handle one little episode?" Jason yelled his face turning red with anger.

"A little episode!? If you call killing 15 people, blowing up a gas station, and beating me half to death a little episode than I can only imagine what you did to her you bi-polar freak." Abigail yelled back.

Oh hell no.

I shoved Abigail back and slapped her across the face.

"Don't ever call him that, you hear me? He is not a freak you fake ass Barbie doll looking bitch. And for the record, when Jason did have and episode he didn't hurt or kill anyone. I helped him get through it, I have experience in this. I understand, everyone should. Caring and understanding should be something everyone should be born with. But obviously you weren't you cold hearted bitch."

"What the fuck is going on in here?" Alex said walking in. He looked over at the couch and saw Abigail, then looked at me and Jason.

"What is she doing here?"

"Bitch decided she wanted to be Whodini and just pop the fuck up." I said bitterly.

"Abigail leave now." Jason said closing his eyes.

Abigail held her cheek and laughed bitterly. "Oh your gonna regret that you little slut. I'll leave but I will be back." She said getting up and walking towards the door.

"Princess?" Jason said grabbing my hand, making me look at him.

I sighed and looked at him.

"Did you mean it?" Jason asked searching my eyes.

I chuckle a little. "Yes Jason, I love you."

Jason smiled and ran his hand through my hair. "I love you too."

I looked and Jason and signed.

I have to know what happened.



"Tell me what happened. The episode with Abigail, what happened?"

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