**Gang Business**

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Kasey's POV

"What are you doing?" I said sitting beside Jason on the couch.

"Looking at territory progress." he said as he moved his tablet screen up and down.

"Territory progress?" I asked confused.

"Yes territory progress. The leader of the Cobra's just died and they have no co leader so gang rules state if a gang leader dies and there is no one left to take over then that gang is a free for all."

I raised my eyebrow in confusion. "A free for all?"

"Yes which means all the gangs in the alliance if they choose too can take any territory that a old gang held and added to your territory. It's a win, win for everybody."

"Oh okay that makes since. So how's your gang doing?" I said leaning over looking at his tablet screen.

He chuckled at me and pulled me into his lap. "Okay all the red is unclaimed territory, yellow is claimed territory by other gangs. And green is territory claimed by my gang."

"Wow your gang has over 43% of all territory." I said looking at the screen then at Jason.

"Yep, that's because before Dave, the leader of the Cobra's died I recruited one of his guys under the radar and had him keep me posted on Dave's condition. So when he kicked the bucket, I would be the first to know and let my guys move in on the territories first."

"How did Dave die?"

"AIDS, ol Dave loved his hookers." Jason said laughing.

"That's not funny Jason." I said frowning at him.

"I'm sorry princess." He said kissing my temple. 


Jason's POV

"Alright Malcolm. I want all of them in the containment chambers under warehouse seven on Johnson's lot. No exceptions. Any problems shoot em'." I said to Malcolm over the phone.

"Gotcha boss, what about all the girls Dave had looked up?" 

I looked at Alex and he shrugged his shoulders. I looked out the corner of my eye to see Kasey looking at me.

"Get them checked out by the gang doctor then find their homes and return them. No police." 

"Alright gotcha. Ryan has deported all the drugs to our safe houses and there being examined as we speak and should be out to dealers by tomorrow night."

"Alright it seems like everything is in order. I'll call back tomorrow at noon." I said pressing the speaker button.

"Seems like everything is going well, Edward grabbed the territory outside the sector that borades Hector's. There's rumors going around he wants to start a gang war." Alex said sitting down.

"Great another thing I have to deal with." I said rubbing my temples.

"So I suggest we stay outta that at all cost."

"I agree, as long as it doesn't involve us in anyway."

Alex nodded and stood up grabbed some blue prints. "I'm gonna go work on that 'thing'." He said walking out the door.

I nodded back at him and sat on the couch beside Kasey, pulling her into my lap.

"Gang business seems like a lot of work." She said running her fingers through my hair.

"It is sometimes, a lot of thinking." I said as I leaned my head on her shoulder.

"You hungry?"

"A little, you gonna cook something?" I said leaning my head up looking at her.

"Yeah, come on."

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