The Park

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Kasey's POV

I sat down on the empty wooden bench.

The park was empty as usual. People only hung around it during the day. That was because there was rumors going around that lots of drug deals went on here.

But I'm in this park alot, especially at night. And I have never see anything.

I opened up my Takis and went to snackin.

I love Takis there just Ahh.


I heard a branch break behind me.

What the hell was that?

"Damnit the little fucker got blood all over my good shirt."

"I told you to change before we left the house."

What the hell are they talking about? Ya know what I think it's time for me to go.

I picked up my Mountain Dew and started walking towards the entrance of the park. Walking quickly but quietly.

"Oh shut up man. I know your not talking. You spent two & half hours on your hair. It's night time who the fuck is gonna see it?"

"I never know when I might meet a sexy lady"

Okay these two are idiots. And what dude spends two & half hours on his hair? That's just weird.

I kept walking towards the entrance of the park eating Takis every know and then.

Suddenly I tripped over a tree branch and landed on my ass.

"Shit" I cursed in pain.

"Dude did you hear that?"

"Hear what Alex? I didn't hear anything."

Oh no

"I'm serious I heard a voice. I don't think we're alone in this park."

I quickly got up off my ass and sprinted towards the park entrance.

But I hit something solid and almost fell until two arms circle around my waist.

I looked up to meet a pair of hazel eyes looking questioning at me.


"Uh sorry I wasn't looking were I was going."

The dude kept looking at me, up & down. And down & up. He uncircled his arms from around my waist and stepped back.

"Oh hey you found the little bitch"

I turned around to meet the other dude panting with his hands on his knees.

"Excuse me, but I'm not a bitch. In no way do I resemble a dog" I replied.

"What are you doing in the park at this time of night? Don't you know it'd dangerous around here."

I turned back around to the dude with the glowing hazel eyes.

"Well with the life I have at home it can't be to much worse."

A frown instantly appeared on his face.

"Well that's all nice and dandy, but did you here us talking earlier?"



Stupid bitch

"Well that's a problem. Don't you think so Jason?"

So I'm guessing he's Alex if he called the dude who caught me Jason.

"Listen Alex, I won't tell anybody okay. You have nothing to worry about. I probably won't even remember after tonight anyway. So whatever you guys did, which I have know idea really it is. Your safe. So can I please go home?"

"No you-"

"Yes you can"


"Shut up Alex, you can go-"

"Kasey, thank you Jason goodbye. Goodbye Alex."

Jason's POV

"Dude what the fuck was that all about. Why the hell did you let her go?"

I turned and looked at my older brother.

"She's not a threat to us Alex. And frankly I trust her when she said she wouldn't tell anybody. And you know I don't trust anybody."

Alex looked at me like I was stupid.

"I don't believe this."

"What?" I asked confused.

"You got the hot's for this girl don't you?"

I scratched the back of my head nervously.

"I'm mean I don't know the girl, but she was beautiful. And those eyes-"

"Okay stop, you already sound whipped."

"Ya know what we should probably follow her to she were she lives. Just for record" I said starting to walk in the direction Kasey went in. With Alex following beside me.

Kasey? What a beautiful name.

"For record huh?" Alex said raising an eyebrow at me.

"Yeah record what else?" I said smiling.


Sorry for the long wait guys
People were in such demand for two of my other books that I had to start putting all my time and effort into them sorry. -A

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