Stalking Her

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Kasey's POV

I woke up in the middle of the night feeling completely rested.

You have got to be shitting me?

I through the blanket off me and stretched out. I looked over at the clock and it said 3:45am.

I got up out my bed and walked to my window.

I opened it and leaned on it.

It's a cold night. One of the few of the summer.

I looked up at the full moon and signed.

I think I might go for a walk.

I leaned back in my room and closed the window. I grabbed a thin sweater and my cell phone.

I walked outta my room and down the stairs. Derek was sitting on the couch watching television.

"Where the fuck are *burb* you going?"

"Out" I said before walking out the door.

I walked down the empty windy streets. It was a quite night in Manchester. Which was odd for this town.

I was walking down Waverly Lane when I heard a branch break behind me.

I stopped and looked all around me.


Jason's POV

Damn it I have to be more quite.

I was following Kasey trying to find out more about her.

I have been watching her all night.

And her life is rough, like she said.

Her ass hole of a stepdad I hate him. I could kill the fucker.

He keeps trying to get with Kasey, while he's with her mother.

That's disgusting.

And the only person getting with Kasey is me.

I kept walking in the woods behind Kasey when I noticed she had stopped and was looking at something.

I directed my eyes to where she was looking at.

The moon.

This girl sure does like looking at the moon.

Hmmm... that gives me an idea.

"I really need to leave this God for awful place."

Leave? Kasey's thinking about leaving?

No No she can't leave, the can't I need her!

She's began to turn around and head back towards the direction of her house.

I quickly caught up to her and stayed quite and invisible.

If Kasey is thinking about leaving I need to make my move and quick.

Tomorrow night I'm taking Kasey home.

Hey guys. I finally updated sorry it's took SO long. And i know it's short but i just had too update. Anyway what so you guys think? Tell me.Love you guys❤❤ -A

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