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Jason's POV

"Jason look!" Kasey said pointing to the big statues.

"Your enjoying yourself aren't you?" I said smirking at her.

"Yes, this place is amazing."

"I'm glad you like it."

"Thank you."

I stopped at a red light and looked at Kasey.

"For what?"

"Bringing me here, taking me, everything. Thank you Jason. This is the happiest I've been in years."

I smiled at her. "I'm glad. I love making you happy." I said grabbing her hand and kissing it.

I saw her cheeks turn red and she turned her head away.

"Are you blushing?" I cooed.

"Shut up and drive McCann."

As soon as she said that, the light turned green.

I stepped on the gas, going in the direction of the house.


"This is your house?" Kasey said in shock looking at it.

"Yep" I said closing the truck.

"This is not a house Jason. It's a fucking mansion."

I freed one hand and gave her ass a smack.

She jumped and gave me a glare.


"Princess's don't cuss." I said waving a finger at her.

She rubbed her ass and walked towards the door, mumbling under her breath.

"Welcome to casa de la McCann." I said opening the door.

"Wow" Kasey said stepping in side.

"It's beautiful." She said in awe turing around slowly. Taking it all in.

"Just like you."

She rolled her eyes at me. "So original."

"Hey I try." I said shrugging my shoulders.

"Should we get settled first or..."

"Yeah you go ahead, I gotta call Alex and check on him."

"Okay. Which one is ours or the master?"


She still wants to sleep in the same bed as me?

Don't complain fool be happy.

"Ummm...Its the very last door on the long straight hallway. It has double doors."

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing, I just thought you wanted your own room now. Since there is plenty of space."

Why did you say that?

Shut up!

"Oh" she said looking down.

"Well I can-"

"No no, I love having you in bed with me, I just thought you weren't really comfortable with it. That's all."

She smiled at me. "I'm fine Jason, I like sleeping with you. You make me feel safe, cared about."

I felt my heart leap after she said that.

I'm gonna be sick

"I'm gonna go unpack." She said walking towards the stairs.


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