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Jason's POV

"How's the arm little brother." Alex said chuckling.

I sent him a glare.

"Shut up man." I said wrapping the bandage around it.

"You do know when Kasey sees that she's gonna freak right?"

"Yes" I said bitterly.

"Hey now don't get testy with me now."

I rolled my eyes and continued to wrap my bullet wound.

"Your lucky it was a through & through. It hurts worse when it stays in." Alex said opening up a bag of chips.

"I'm aware Alex, I've been shot before." I said tapping it up.

"How did it go?"

Both Alex and I looked towards the door to see Kasey looking at us with her arms crossed over her chest. And a pissed off expression.

"It went well until Jason got a battle scar." Alex said laughing.

"What?" Kasey said looking at me. Her whole demeanor changed completely.

"Just a little bullet wound. Through and through." I said shrugging.

"What!? Let me see." She said running over to me sitting down on the couch.

"Kasey it's fine." I said

"I wanna see it Jason." Kasey said taking my arm in her hands.

She unwrapped the bandage and turned my arm a little bit.

"It did go through and through. Your lucky it didn't hit any major nerves." She said carefully wrapping back up my wound and tapping.

She leaned back and looked at me for a moment.

"Kasey I'm sorry." I said looking at her.

She just looked at me and shaked her head and got up and walked into the kitchen.

I looked over at Alex to see him smirking.

"You might be in a different bedroom tonight little brother."

I let out a sigh and got up and followed Kasey into the kitchen.

She was putting things on the counter. Getting ready to make dinner.


"Leave me alone Jason."

"Kasey come on don't be mad."

She let out a bitter laugh. "Mad? You think I'm mad? Mad doesn't even describe how I feel towards you right now." She said getting a knife and cutting vegetables.

That's a big knife

"Kasey look it's my life okay, it's always has been & always well be. That's not gonna change."

She stopped cutting and looked up at me.

"You don't think I know that? All I wanted was for you not to do it. And I was hoping you would understand because since you have the F.B.I looking for you, you won't want to bring any attention down here since they know you're not in Canada anymore. But oh wait your a McCann you don't give a damn. All that matters is the mission right?" She said angrily, slamming the knife down on the cutting board getting it stuck.

Damn that was hot.

I was speechless. And how in the hell did she know my father's old saying?

She was still looking at me with such anger & hurt in her eyes that it could cripple my father. And that's saying a lot. He doesn't feel anything.

"Kasey, I-"

"I know you're sorry. Just go watch t.v. with Alex dinner well be ready in about an hour or so." She said sadly turning her back towards me.

I sighed and walked back into the living room with Alex.

3 days later

Kasey's POV

"Is all this really necessary to kill one man?" I asked looking at Jason and Alex draw out a blueprint.

"Yes because we get one chance at this. We can't fuck it up." Jason said bitterly.

It's been three days since the bank robbery and Jason and I are still not really talking to each other.

It's not that I'm still mad, he's being distant from me on purpose. I've tried to talk to him but he won't let me. And to make matters worse I don't think he's taking his pills either. He's getting speedy.

He thinks I don't notice but I do. He's eyes are not his usual beautiful hazel. There dark very dark almost black.

Ugh this is so stupid. We're mad at each other over nothing.

"I'll be right back. I need a beer." Alex said leaving the room.

I looked over at Jason to see him still examining the blueprint.

"Jason?" I say his name quietly.

He doesn't respond just keeps looking at the blue print.

"Jason?" I say a little louder this time.

He still counties to ignore me.

Okay now I'm getting angry.

"Jason you childish bastard, I know you hear me." I said harshly standing up.

He snapped his head up looking at me. He's eyes are narrowed and black as night and jaw clenched so hard I think it might break.

"What do you want Michaels?"

Oh so now I'm Michaels?

"Well McCann, I was going to apologize but I think I changed my mind." I said harshly, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Oh so you're gonna apologize for being such a bitch the last few days?"

Excuse me?

"If anyone is being a bitch the last few days it's you Jason. Purposely avoiding me when I try to talk to you. Seriously Jason you're acting like a child."

His jaw clenched even more. Didn't think that was possible.

"Watch your mouth when you talk to me Kasey."

"And if I don't." I challenged back.

"Then your mother & the police will be pulling pieces of your body out of its watery grave in Lake Erie."

I gasped and backed away from the table.

"Jason." I choked out, holding back tears.

I think he registered what he had just said also because Jason turned white as a ghost.

"Princess I didn't mean that I'm sorry." He said coming around the table and standing in front of me.

"No don't." I said holding my hand out in front of him.

"Kasey please." He pleaded stepping towards me.

He wrapped his hand around mine and gave it a squeeze.


I looked up at him. His eyes had tears in them a little & they weren't as dark as they were before but they were still dark like.

"I can't believe you said that to me." I choked out, trying not to cry.

"I'm sorry, I am. I didn't mean it."

I pulled my hands out of his. "All this over one mission." I said shaking my head sadly.


"I hope it was worth it Jason." I said wiping the tears from my eyes and walking to the door.

"Kasey don't walk away from me."

"I didn't Jason. You already did that to me."

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