"Oh but baby you will."

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Kasey's POV

"Dinner was great Kase, thanks."

"I'll glad you liked it." I said clearing the dishes off the table.

"So umm there's something I want to talk to you about." Jason said scratching the back of his neck looking down.

"What about?"

"Well you see, this house is kinda small, well not small but small to us. Anyway we have three bedrooms and well we kinda used the third as a weapon and surveillance room. So your gonna have to either sleep on the couch or with...umm...me?"

"Oh" I said looking down.

So the couch or sleep with Jason?

I really don't like that couch it looks like people have had sex on that thing. And sleeping with Jason is a little weird. But I would see him half naked a lot.


"I can share a room with you, that's fine." I said while loading the rest of the dishes into the dish washer.

"Really!? I mean okay yeah. Oh and tomorrow I'm taking you shopping."


"Because you only had five outfits in your bag and since you live here now it would make since to buy more clothes."

"Okay well at least I have the money to pay for it."

"No no, I'm paying it's the least I could do."

I looked at him oddly. "What do you mean the least you could do?"

"Well you agreed to stay, your saving my life it's the least I could do to repay you." He said looking at me with so much emotion.

I blushed a little and put my head down. "Ummm okay thanks Jason."

"Well it's getting late we should probably go to bed." He said grabbing my hand pulling me out the kitchen.

"Hey wait! What about the dishes?"

"Get them in the morning." He said pulling me down the hall.


"Okay it's your choice the Range Rover or Escalade?"

I looked at both cars fascinated by both.

"Umm the Range Rover."

"Alright in you go." He said giving my butt a light smack.

"Hey!" I screamed.

"What?" He asked innocently.

"You smacked my butt."

He gasped and covered his heart. "No I didn't, how could you accuse me of such a thing?"

I rolled my eyes and got in the truck.

The truck smelled just like him spearmint.

It smelled so good.

"So how much does 'Americas Most Wanted Criminal' get paid to afford all these cars and stuff?"

"More then I need I can tell you that much."

"Hmm...I'm sensing lots of zero's."

"Oh yeah, but now that I have you, I can spend it a lot faster."

"On no Jason I don't want you throwing away money just to make me happy."

"But you deserve it. Your a princess, my princess."

I blushed a little and chuckled nervously.

"Let's just get to the mall okay?" I said buckling my seatbelt.

"What ever you say princess."

At the Mall

"Oh my God, please no more stores." Jason whined behind me.

"Oh hush we've only been to five and let me remind you this was your idea to come shopping."

He rolled his eyes at me and picked up more of my bags.

"Well I think I'm done anyway, so we can go home now." I said looking at Jason.

He was smirking at me.

"What?" I asked confused.

"I know one place we haven't been yet." He said his smirk getting bigger.


He pulled down his shades and nodded upwards.

I turned the direction he nodded in and groaned at the sight.

"I don't need anything from there." I said looking back at Jason.

"Oh but princess I think you do." Jason said before pulling me into Victoria's Secret.

We walked into Victoria's Secret and there were girls everywhere. And I mean everywhere.

"Alright princess what about this one?" Jason said holding up a black lace thong smirking at me.

"How bout no." I said crossing my arms over my chest."

"Fine I'll pick some out and you pick out some. And we'll meet right back here." He said heading to the bra section.

Oh brother


"I think the lingerie with look sexy on you princess."

I sent Jason a glare while putting my bags in the trunk.

"I'm so not wearing that." I said with attitude.

Jaosn chuckled and gave my ass a squeeze.

"Oh but baby you will." He whispered in my ear.

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