"Tell me about yourself."

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Jason's POV

"This BigMac is good." Alex said beating into his third one.

"Don't you think you have had enough Alex?" Kasey said laughing at him.

"Nope it's to good. If anyone needs me I'll be in the basement." He said walking downstairs.

"So what happens now?" Kasey said bouncing on the couch.

"We keep our guard up and stay alive."

She nodded and gave me a once over.

"What?" I asked curious.

She patted a spot next to her on the couch.

I chuckled and sat down beside her.

She sat criss-cross apple sauce and faced me.

"Tell me about yourself."


"Tell me about you, like what you like and don't like. What are yout hobbies besides being a criminal? Your family? Taste in music, food, girls?"

I cleared my throat a little nervous.

Why did she wanna know I this?

"Why do you care?" I asked curious.

"Because I think I should know more about my boyfriend." She said putting is emphasis on boyfriend.

I laughed a little. "Yeah sorry about that, I had to make sure Edward stayed away from you?"

"It's alright I understand. But come on tell me about yourself?"

"Well umm my full name is Jason Drew McCann. Born March 1st,1994, both parents are alive but divorced. I've been doing this criminal thing for about nine years now, been shot twice. Umm... i like rap hand rock music. Favorite food spaghetti, love slurrpees, hate olives. And I like a nice girl, but she has to have some attitude, and be head strong. Also she has to take charge every once in a while. I think that's pretty much it." I said laying back against the couch.

"How did you get into being a criminal?"

"It's a family business. After my father had his third massive heart attack, he decided it would be best if he retired and gave the business to us. My mother was happy about it until, she found out he wanted us to take over. She got so angry. So she divorced my dad took half and moved to New York. She took me with her until I was eighteen. Then I came back to Canada and ran the business with my brother."

"Oh I'm sorry, that must of been hard."

"Sort of but I got over it." I said simply shrugging.

Kasey turned her head side ways and looked at me.


"You don't let your emotions get anywhere near you, do you?"

"Nope, that's how I stay alive. But unless it's about my mom or Alex. And now...you." I said pulling her into my lap.

"What about your dad?"

"My dad's an ass hole, he treats me like crap."

I ran my nose along her neck lightly.

"You smell good." I said snuggling my face in her neck.


I wrapped my arms around her waist and squeezed her tight.

"You still tired?"

She nodded, leaning her hand on mine.


I shifted myself upwards and picked Kasey up.

"Jason put me down!" She shrieked.

"Nah." I said walking to our bedroom.

I heard her huff and she wrapped her arms around my neck.

I kicked our bedroom door open and walked in.

I walked to the bed and layed Kasey on it.

She turned and started to get comfortable.

I took the chance to strip out my clothes.

Just leaving me in boxers.

I usually sleep naked, but now that I have Kasey I can't really do that, since we aren't together...yet and I don't know how she would feel about it.

"Ahem" I cleared my throat.

Kasey turned and looked at me.

I saw her eyes travel over my body and then back up to my face.

I made a come here motion with my finger.

She sat up and looked at my chest again.

"Arms up."

She lift her arms up. I grabbed the end of her shirt and pulled it over her head.

Leaving her in a tank top.

"Lay back and lift your hips."

She layed back and lifted her hips towards me.

I unbuttoned her jeans and slid them off.

I grabbed a pair of my boxers and slid them on her.

I climbed in behind her and pulled her against my chest.

"Goodnight princess." I said kissing her cheek.

"Goodnight Jason."

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