Home to Mama (Part 2)

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Kasey's POV

"So Kasey, how's handling my two boys." Pattie said sitting down infront of me.

"It can be trying at times but nothing I can't handle so far."

"Good, I know how Jason's temper gets so I just want to make sure your strong enough." She said laughing.

Jason looked up at us with spaghetti in his mouth and glared.

"My temper is not that bad." He said shallowing.

"Honey, when you where five you broke your G. I. Joe action figure in half because it kept falling of the pyramid." Pattie said raising an eyebrow at Jason.

I looked at Jason."Seriously?" I asked.

"The little bastard won't stay on top. I wanted him to be king of Egypt." Jason said looking down at his plate, moving his food around.

I giggled a little and shook my head.

"So Kasey what made you pack up and leave with Jason. Isn't your family worried?"

I looked down at my plate and bit my tongue.

"I don't have a family. Just my mom. And she doesn't really care. My dad and my sister died in a car crash when I was 15."

Pattie covered her mouth in shock."Oh honey. I'm so sorry. I can't imagine what that must of been like for you." She grabbed my hand and gave it a tight squeeze.

"Thank you and I'm alright. I have my dad's will power so that what's keeps me going." I said squeezing her hand back.

"Jason has that too. But his is dangerous." She said glaring at Jason playfully.

Jason playful glared back at her.
"Wow mom I feel so loved."

"Dinner was delicious Pattie thank you so much."

"You welcome honey. I missed cooking for more than one person. Jason doesn't come and visit as often anymore." She said looking out into the back porch where Jason was on the phone with Alex.

"How did you handle it." I asked looking at her.

Patttie looked at me."Handle what?"

"The gang life. I mean all the killing, wars, jobs, and drugs. I mean how did you get past all that to maintain your marriage, love your husband knowing what he did on a day to day basis. And most of all raise two boys. How did you do it?"

She looked back out the window at Jason and smiled.

"It wasn't easy." She said looking back at me.

"It took a lot of strength. I knew what I was getting into way before the boys were born. There father Jeremy, had always been a trouble maker. Even when we where kids. So it came to know surprise that when I saw him years after highschool to know he was involved in gang warefare. But I know I loved him. That's what helped."

"Really? Your love for him?"

"Yes. He wasn't always good. But when it came to me and the boys he was. That's all that mattered, that's all I really cared about. Knowing no matter what went on day to day that his love for me and the boys never changed. That's what keep me going all those years. It takes a lot of emotional & mental strength Kasey. And I see that in you the same way it was in myself. Kasey your good for him. Jason has always been his father reflection. That's what worried me. I remember how much destruction Jeremy caused when he got too outta hand. I was the only one he ever listened too. And I've see it happen to Jason. But his was always been a little worse. I guess his bi-polar had a hand it that. This is the first time since he was a teenager I've not seen that darkness in Jason's eyes that's always haunted him. Thank you Kasey. I know you probably don't understand stand. But it brings joy to my heart knowing that my son is not hurting or hating himself."

Pattie wiped her eyes of tears and sighed.

I blinked back mine and let out a sigh as well. "Your welcome."


Jason's POV

"So Jason how's gang business?"

"It's good mom, just a little hectic is all."

"Hmmm" she said walking around the kitchen to the pantery.

"How's your father?" she asked sitting a box of Oreo's on the island.

"He's fine. Just finished his last rehab programm. He's finally clean. Alex says he even looks better."

"Well that's good, took almost 15 years but hell. Better late than never."

I looked at my mother and sighed. "Okay mom. Say it whatever it is."

She set the milk carton on the island and sighed. "Say what Jason?"

"Whatever it is that is on your mind."

"Jason it's nothing."

"Oh no don't do that. I know it's something. Now tell me."

"I'm just happy and a little worried at the same time."

I raised an eyebrow at her in confuson

"Oh don't do that. Your father use to do that to me all the time. It made me feel so stupid. She said hitting my arm.

"Mom tell me what your really thinking." I said sighing.

"I'm happy that you seem to be finally be at peace with yourself. And that your finally found someone that loves you for you. But I am also worried about you. I know you can switch so fast. But this time I'm worried more about Kasey than you."

"Mom please-"

"No Jason listen to me. I may not know Kasey all that well but I love her. She is like that daughter I never had but always wanted. And I can see the way you look at her that you love her too. But for God's sake Jason please be careful. That poor girl had been through hell and back. I don't wanna see her get hurt. Jason please for one in your life don't be like your father and let your anger fuel you. Promise me that you keep Kasey safe and won't hurt her?"

I sighed and looked down at my hands & rubbed them together.

"I promise mom."

Y'all have been going crazy on this book. And Aaliyah and I really appreciate it. We love all of you so much😘

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