That's how I know

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Three days later.

Jason's POV

Kasey Eleanor Michaels

Such a beautiful name. I thought to myself.

I did some research on my girl. Wasn't that hard to find her. It's a small town, plus I'm Jason McCann.

Your obsessing

Am not just interested in everything about her and what she does.

That's called obsessing


Yeah oh,stupid ass

Well whatever, she's perfect. I'm happy to be obsessing over her.

She's mine.

Kasey's POV

"Hurry up bitch!"

I walked into the living room throwing another beer at Derek.

"Here you go you jackass" I said walking upstairs to my room.

I slammed and locked my door. I sat on my bed releasing a heavy sigh.


No I can't. I will not leave my mom with that jackass.

Whatever, continue to suffer.

I laid back on my bed and closed my eyes. Trying to relax, and pretend my life isn't all that bad.

Suddenly Jason's face popped in my mind.

What the hell?

That's weird I haven't thought about him since the other day at the park.

But he was hard to forget. He was so tall. And those eyes, that hair, all those tattoos. I'm getting hot just thinking about him. I wonder if I'll ever see him again?

I probably won't, guys like Jason come around once in a life time. I'm lucky I met him at all.

But something about him was familiar, I've seen him somewhere before. I just don't know where.

I got up off my bed and went towards my bag. I pulled out the $5,000 dollars my mom gave me and rolled it around in my hand.

What am I gonna do with this?


I huffed and through it back in my bag.

I through the bag over my shoulder. I'm going for a walk.

Jason's POV

"I don't like where this is going Alex"

"Just hear me out Jason, if we do this job we could retire and disappear never to be seen again. This job is worth $80,000,000 dollars. That's 40 for you and 40 for me. Please don't tell me that doesn't sound amazing."

I signed and sat back down in my chair. "It does sound amazing, but it also sounds hella dangerous. I don't know Alex"

Alex huffed. "Just think about it alright? Johnson said to call him when you make a decision. I gotta go. I'll see you later." He said walking out the door.

I looked around the living room feeling completely alone.

This is depressing.

Maybe it wouldn't be so depressing if you would get some friends?

Oh yeah like I'm going to get friends so easily. I'm Jason McCann, Most Wanted Criminal in The United States of American. Yeah that's sure to get me some friends. *rolls eyes*

Just trying to help

I shake my head and stood up.

I need some fresh air.


I was walking around in the woods. Just casually taking in the nature.

The outdoors always seems to clear my head.

"Shit fucking throne trees"

I heard a female voice say. I poked my head around a big oak tree.

I saw Kasey trying to get her sweater out a thorn bush.

I chuckled a little. And walked over to her.

"Need some help?"

She snapped her head in my direction and slightly smiled.

"Jason? Yeah sure"

I stepped forward and took out my pocket knife.

I carefully cut Kasey free and picked out the small remaining branches.

"Thanks Jason"

"No problem, so whatcha doing out here?"

"Umm just walking around, trying to relax. You?"

"Same, I love nature"

"Me too, so where's Alex?"

"Out somewhere"

She nodded and looked around. "Well it's getting late. I'm going home"

"You want me to walk you. For protection. I'm mean there are dangerous thorn bushes everywhere." I said in a creepy voice.

She giggled and tucked a piece of hair behind her ear.

"Sure, come on" she said starting to walk away.

I quickly caught up to her matching her pace.

"Y-You look nice by the way" I said almost stuttering.

What the hell?

"Thanks Jason" she said blushing.

She's so cute.

We walked for a few minutes in silence. Neither of us knowing what to say.

"So umm did you and Alex kill someone the other day?"

I stopped dead in my tracks caught off guard.

"Umm... Why do you ask?"

"Cause when I was walking through town earlier, I heard some people talking about a dead body found near the park. So did you?" She said looking up at me.

I scratched the back of my head. "Do you really wanna ask Jason McCann if he killed someone?"

This time she stopped dead in get tracks.

"I knew I had seen you some where before. Now it all makes scense."

Okay why isn't she freaking out or shaking in fear?

Good question.

"Your not scared." I asked dumbfounded.

"Scared? Why would I be scared?"

"Because your walking around a dark, creepy forest with Americans Most Wanted Criminal?"

"I know you won't hurt me Jason" she said looking at me.

Those eyes.

"And how do you know that?" I said raising an eyebrow.

"Because back at the park, you stopped Alex from killing me. And you helped me get out a thorn bush. That's how I know"

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