"Was too."

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Kasey's POV

"Jason were are we going?" I asked zipping up my suitcase.

"Mexico, I have a house down there."

"Okay, but why there?. Shouldn't we go somewhere with no extradition?"

"Not yet, we only do that if things get really bad."

"Well the FBI is chasing you if that doesn't qualify as really bad what does?"

"When they say dead or alive."

I rolled my eyes.

Oh brother

"Alright let's get Alex and go."

I grabbed my bag and Jason's hand.

"Let's go princess." Jason said pulling me down the hallway.

"When we get to the airport, stay invisible and don't draw attention to yourself understand?"

I nodded looking down at are intertwined fingers.

His hand fits perfectly with mine.

"You two love birds ready?" I heard Alex ask snapping me out my thoughts.

Getting involved with a criminal is a bad idea.

I heard my brain tell me. But for some reason, my heart won't let me leave. After what Jason told me, I can't help but feel guilty, everytime I even think about leaving.

I help him. Isn't that one thing everyone in this life should be proud of or feel good about. Helping someone? Criminal or no criminal, Jason's still a human being and deserves to be treated as much so.

"Alex I want you to fly to Texas and then get on another plane to Mexico. We want things to be as normal as possible."

"Alright, what about Kasey?"

I looked at Alex.

"What do you mean, what about Kasey? She's coming with us." Jason said.

"Jason are you really sure you wanna get her in the mix of this?"

Jason turned and looked at me questionably.

I gave are intertwined fingers a solid squeeze.

He smiled at me.

"Yes." He said looking back at Alex.

I saw Alex smile a little but it disappeared as quick as it came.

"Alright here are everyone's new identities." Alex said throwing a black sparkly wallet at me.

I opened it and gasped. It was one of my senior pictures made to look like my drivers licences. And it looked legit. And my passport looked good too.

I looked down at my name confused.

"Mrs. Jessica O'Connor? Who am I married too?"

"Me" Jason said smiling at me.

"I'm Justin O'Connor and were going on are honeymoon in Mexico." Jason said winking at me.

Oh brother

"Alright let's go, I wanna beat rush hour."


"Passengers please fasten your seatbelts, we'll be taking off momentarily." A female voice said coming over the loud speaker on the plane.

I turned and looked at Jason, he was looking at the menu.

"Anything look good?"

"Ehe, it's better than I expected."

"How long is this flight?"

"You don't wanna know." Jason said looking at me.

"How long are we staying in Mexico?"

"A couple weeks, princess."

"Is there anything you would like sir?" A stuartist said coming up to Jason.

She looked really sluty, she was showing way to much cleavage. And she looked like she had ten pounds of makeup on.

"Ummm how's the prime rib?"

"Delicious, nice and tender." She said purring like a cat.

Oh please

"Alright I'll take that." Jason said giving her the menu.

"Is there anything else sir, anything at all?" She said letting her eyes run over Jason's body.

My jealousy level was about to hit overload.

"My husband and I are fine thank you." I said smiling at the little bitch.

"Oh" she said looking at me in disgust.

"But don't worry we'll call you if we need you." I said grabbing Jason's hand.

She sent me a glare, before turning back to Jason giving him a smile and walked away.

Jason chuckled and looked at me.


"Someone was jealous."

I scoffed. "Was not."

"Was too."

"Was not."

"Was too."

"Was no- oh I'm not playing this game with you." I said crossing my arms over my chest irritated.

"Princess,princess." Jason said shaking this head.

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