Chapter 7

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Next day,

They woke up right at 4:00 am. They rushed to get ready as they still had no idea when Nick wanted to do this meetup.

"Here let me text him and see if he's even up." Clay said, pulling out his phone and quickly texting Nick. The sound of typing echoed through the silent room. George shivered as he sat down on his bed, rubbing his arms. Clay looked up with a quirked brow.

"Do you want me to shut the window?"

George shook his head.

"Here." Clay said as he turned around and grabbed one of his hoodies out of the closet. He tossed it to George.

"Won't it be a b-bit big?" George asked, his teeth shattering. Clay shrugged.

"As long as it keeps you warm."

George forced a smile before slowly sliding on the hoodie. As soon as it was on George let out a shaky breath. It smelt like cologne, specifically Clays cologne. He lifted his arm to his nose and took a big sniff. He loved that smell, possibly couldn't get enough of it. Clay watched with a smile. George felt warm, the hoodie was a couple inches above his knees but not right above them. It felt perfect to George, like he was meant to wear Clays clothes. He glanced at Clay who was still staring at George.


Clay shook himself out of his trance and hummed at George.

"Sorry, uh he's up and said in about 3 hours he'll come pick us up."

George nodded. He slid his phone out of his pocket, he rolled the sleeves up a bit, getting rid of his sweater paws, as he typed in his password and ventured through his phone trying to find something to entertain him. Clay slouched back in his "gaming" chair at his desk, legs slightly spread out, head just below the headrest, phone in his face, and spinning side to side. George felt mesmerized by his posture. George didn't need his phone for entertainment, he had his entertainment right in front of him.

"Are you hungry?" Clay askew looking up. George shook his head.

"If you are, I know we are going to eat but we won't go til 3 hours and I don't want you to starve."

George smiled at his kindness. It gave George a warm feeling, and not just because of the hoodie.

"Do you want to take a nap?"

George shrugged. Clay sighed as he stood up and stretched. He slowly walked toward George, sitting down next to him on his bed. He scooted back to the corner by George's desk and patted his thigh. George's eyes went wide. Clay chuckled, leaning over and grabbing a pillow, placing it in his lap as he crossed his legs. He patted the pillow.


George hesitantly crawled closer, laying his head down on the pillow in his lap. He let out a shaky sigh as Clays cold hands rested on his side.

"I'll wake you up." He whispered. George stared at the light coming from the window as his eyes grew heavier. Soon enough it went black.

2 hours later

George yawned as he shifted, groaning as he gripped Clays pants. His eyes shot open as he heard a quiet and chopped groan. He sat up and rubbed his eye. He looked at Clay, it was very dark due to the lack of light in the room, but he could see the faint color of pink on his face.

"You okay?" George asked. Clay nodded before letting out a breath that he didn't know he was even holding.

"We still have an hour you can lay back down."

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