Chapter 39

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There's too many damn chapters where am I even going with this story-

"Wakey wakey~" Clay whispered in George's ear. George groaned and turned over in his bed. Clay chuckled and turned around at the door, Cherish was standing there waiting for George to bounce up.

"Dude! Wake up!" Cherish shouted. George sat up and stuck up his middle finger, she ran off. Clay giggled and picked the boy up koala style.

"Put me down!" George whined as he was carried out. Clay never put him down until they reached the living room where the tree was filled with presents lined underneath. Clay smiled as Cherish sat cris cross directly in front of the tree. George rubbed his eyes and tried to adjust to the new lighting.

"Did you get mom?" George asked. Cherish nodded right as Kelly popped the corner. A smile plastered on her face. She grabbed a chair from the kitchen and sat down farther from the tree but closer to Cherish. Clay smiled at Kelly as she nodded at the presents. Clay began to gently and carefully grab presents and read the names before giving them to either George, Cherish, or himself. He was surprised when he found presents with his name on it.

"Can we open them now?" Cherish asked. It was amazing how she was 14 but still acted like she was 7 on Christmas. George picked up the smallest present and began to unwrap it catching everyone's attention. George looked at Cherish as she grabbed a present and began to unwrap it.

Time skip (sorry)

After opening presents there was wrapping paper and boxes covering the floor. Cherish was smiling as she began picking up things and opening them. Clay sat back against the couch watching Cherish open things and present it to him. George curled up next to Clay, his heart was pounding in that moment. Clay looked down with a confused face.

"Aww, Cherish get up there and let me get a picture." Kelly said running off to get her phone. Cherish stood up and sat in between the two earning a scoff from George.

"3...2...1.." Kelly said before taking the picture. She smiled as she looked over it. Cherish quickly got up and returned to her spot. George scooted closer to Clay.

"Oh! Wait!" George said as he jumped up. He giggled as he ran down the hall and into his room pulling out a gift and running back. He handed it to his mom and sat back down next to Clay where Clay wrapped his arm around him and pulled him even closer. She sat down and began to open it. She let out a gasp and looked up at George who smiled.

"George...aww.." she said as she pulled out painting. Tears formed in her eyes and George stood up and hugged her.

"Don't cry, you'll make me cry.." he giggled.

"Did you make this?" She sniffled looking at the painting of a old lady sitting in a chair with a old man standing up behind her both staring off. George nodded. She hugged him and thanked him.

"I know it's been years since their death but I thought it'd be nice." George said.

"Thank you, it looks so real." She said looking at it again before kissing his forehead. He giggled and nearly tripped as he walked backward onto the couch cuddling next to Clay again. Is she gonna take the hint?

"Did you like your gift?" George whispered. Clay chuckled and kissed the top of his head.

"Yes, I loved it."

"My gosh, if you guys are trying to tell mom you're dating at least try harder than that." Cherish blurted, placing her hands on her hips. Kelly looked at George confused. Clay kissed George's cheek with a chuckle, George just sat there with his eyes wide.

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